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Physical Therapy Management in Cerebral Palsy: Implications for Orthotics.

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Physical therapy or physiotherapy (PT) as a profession has a long history in providing habilitative and rehabilitative services to children and adults diagnosed with cerebral palsy going back to the early 1900?s. The model practice act of the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (www.fsbpt.org) describes practice of PT as follows: 1. Examining, evaluating and testing individuals with mechanical, physiological and developmental impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities or other health and movement-related conditions in order to determine a diagnosis, prognosis and plan of treatment intervention, and to assess the ongoing effects of intervention. 2. Alleviating impairments, functional limitations and disabilities by designing, implementing and modifying treatment interventions that may include, but are not limited to: therapeutic exercise, functional training in self-care and in home, community or work integration or reintegration, manual therapy including soft tissue and joint mobilization/manipulation, therapeutic massage, prescription, application and, as appropriate, fabrication of assistive, adaptive, orthotic, prosthetic, protective and supportive devices and equipment, airway clearance techniques, integumentary protection and repair techniques, debridement and wound care, physical agents or modalities, mechanical and electrotherapeutic modalities, and patient-related instruction. 3. Reducing the risk of injury, impairment, functional limitation and disability, including the promotion and maintenance of fitness, health and wellness in populations of all ages. 4. Engaging in administration, consultation, education and research.
Product/Publication Type(s):
Book Chapter
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Students
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