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NCEO Synthesis Report 61-Effect of Minimum Cell Sizes & Confidence Interval Sizes for Special Education Subgroups on School-Level AYP Determinations

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Product Description:
This study addresses three questions: First, considering the full group of students and the special education subgroup, what is the likely effect of minimum cell size and confidence interval size on school-level Annual Yearly Performance (AYP) determinations? Second, what effects do the changing minimum cell sizes have on inclusion of special education students, especially for schools that are declared as "meeting AYP"? Third, with the NCLB requirement that schools assess grade levels 3-8 in their AYP calculations beginning in the 2005-2006 academic year, what is the likely effect of including these additional students in school-level AYP determinations? To address these questions, data from five states were used to model confidence interval and cell-size combinations.
Product/Publication Type(s):
Reports and monographs
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Electronic (disc, CD, 508 compliant web posting)
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