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Assistive Technology to Promote Language/Literacy for Children with Fragile X and Related Disorders

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Product Description:
Participants will be provided with an in-depth experience of specific augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems and other assistive strategies used for children with Fragile X who present with significant impairments in communication. The presentation will include hands-on opportunities to explore a variety of tools, including picture/word boards, talking books, adapted books, voice output communication devices, and computer software for reading and writing. Presentation will also include a demonstration of AAC and literacy strategies for children with limited communication skills. Resources and funding materials will be provided to the participants to gain knowledge of how to refer families to AT related services. Learning Objectives: 1. Describe characteristics of language skills in young children with Fragile X and other related communication disorders. 2. Identify strategies and AAC systems and other AT to promote acquisition of language and literacy. 3. Locate f
fragile X syndrome, assistive technology, literacy and language development, augmentative and alternative communication
Product/Publication Type(s):
Conference presentations and posters presented
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals
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