Una breve guia para padres acerca del autismo: Informacion para padres de ninos pequenos & preescolares
Product Description:
A Brief Guide on Autism for parents of toddlers and preschoolers (Spanish translation)/Una breve guia para padres acerca del autismo: Informacion para padres de ninos pequenos & preescolares
Since there is an incredible amount of information about autism to sort through from multiple sources (the Internet, books, teachers, other parents, etc.), we hope this booklet will be a useful place to start. Included are questions that are frequently asked by parents when their child receives an ASD diagnosis, and brief answers that also contain links to resources with more detailed information.
Dado que existe una incre?ble cantidad de informaci?n acerca
del autismo a revisar entre m?ltiples fuentes (Internet, libros,maestros, otros padres, etc.), esperamos que este folleto sea un lugar ?til para empezar. Aqu? se incluyen preguntas que hacen frecuentemente los padres cuando sus hijos reciben un diagn?stico de trastorno del espectro
autista, as? como breves respuestas que adem?s contienen ligas
autism spectrum disorders, Spanish speaking families
Product/Publication Type(s):
Pamphlets, Brochures, or Fact sheets
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Students
Alternative Format:
Language other than English
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