S1a Healthy Lifestyles for People with Disabilities
Product Description:
The Oregon Office on Disability and Health seeks to improve health and independence of Oregonians with disabilities. People with disabilities experience more health disparities than their peers without disabilities, i.e., they are more likely to be obese and smoke, and less likely to exercise. People with disabilities also experience more barriers when accessing health promotion programs. People with disabilities living in Oregon have the right to access to health promotion opportunities within their communities. OODH has implemented numerous Healthy Lifestyles workshops to over 600 Oregonians with disabilities state-wide and has trained another 25 PWD to be Lead HL Trainers. OODH is collaborating with state and local partners to conduct several HL Train-the-Trainer (T-the-T) events. This will expand the programs capacity. It is the goal of OODH and our partners that Coordinated Care Organizations, disability agencies, will sponsor HL workshops creating a long-term sustainability.
disability, public health, health behavior, training
Product/Publication Type(s):
Conference presentations and posters presented
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