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S.1a Improving Emergency Preparedness: Addressing Access and Functional Needs of People with Disabilities in State Planning

Fiscal Year:
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Product Description:
The Oregon Office on Disability and Health (OODH) includes a target program on public health emergency preparedness. Under normal circumstances, someone with a moderate to severe disability can live alone and lead an independent life with outside supports. People with disabilities are among those most likely to be adversely affected in an emergency or natural disaster. To prepare PWD for emergencies OODH collaborated with national experts and Oregon coalitions and organizations to create an emergency preparation toolkit and training titled Ready Now! The training is presented in a manner that reflects the independence of the PWD, allowing the person to address his or her specific and unique needs. OODH also helps the State address accessibility and the inclusion of people with disabilities in state level public health and emergency management functions, through web and train-the-trainer activates, and assessment of county-level plans.
disability, public health, emergency preparedness
Product/Publication Type(s):
Conference presentations and posters presented
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