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Act Early

Act Early is a collaborative initiative that supports state efforts to improve early identification of autism and other developmental disabilities, including the: WIC Developmental Monitoring Evaluation Project, improving the capacity of data and information systems collecting developmental monitoring efforts by evaluating the CDC's "Learn the Signs. Act Early." (LTSAE) Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Model Project, also known as the WIC Developmental Monitoring Project.

AUCD collaborates with The National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs to implement "Act Early" efforts supported by the Learn the Signs. Act Early. program.

For more information, contact Chevelle Glymph, AUCD's Senior Director of Public Health.

Contact Chevelle Glymph

WIC Developmental Monitoring Evaluation Project, improving the capacity of data and information systems collecting developmental monitoring efforts by evaluating the CDC's "Learn the Signs. Act Early." (LTSAE) Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Model Project, also known as the WIC Developmental Monitoring Project.

This evaluation project will conduct activities in 4 aims to gather in-depth information about current data collection practices and pilot test data-sharing to assess the outcomes of parent-engaged developmental monitoring using CDC's LTSAE within WIC to improve early identification of developmental delays and disabilities in young children in the United States.

  1. Conduct formative research to understand current data collection practices and inform best practices that can be used on a national scale and implemented at the state level to collect data on specific measures of interest for the WIC Developmental Monitoring Project.
  2. Pilot test data-sharing in which 2 states share their existing data each month for 6 months.
  3. Conduct a process evaluation of the data-collection practices among WIC staff to assess their usability, feasibility, satisfaction, acceptability, barriers to use, etc.
  4. Conduct an outcome evaluation using data collected via the data-sharing pilot) and any supplemental data collection conducted with 1) families and 2) WIC staff.

This project is a collaboration with the CDC's "Learn the Signs. Act Early." (LTSAE) Team and the Association of State Public Health Nutritionists (ASPHN).

Act Early Response to COVID-19, provides support for early childhood state systems through the Act Early to support recovery and strengthen resilience skills, behaviors, and resources of children, families, and communities during COVID-19 response, mitigation, and recovery efforts.

The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) has expanded its National Center on Disability in Public Health efforts with an investment of over $8M in the Act Early Network through an Act Early Network-wide Response to COVID-19 made possible by a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

CDC's Act Early Initiative promotes collaboration among early childhood programs in states and territories so children with autism or other developmental delays and disabilities can be identified early and referred to appropriate services and supports. The Act Early Ambassador Program is a collaborative effort of CDC's National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA) Maternal and Child Health Bureau, and AUCD.

Funding of the Act Early Response to COVID-19 (hereafter Act Early/COVID-19) Response Teams

State and Territorial Act Early/COVID-19 Response Teams have been awarded a two-year grant opportunity for Support for Early Childhood State Systems Through the Act Early Network. Through this national initiative, Act Early Ambassador-led/co-led Response Teams are providing support for early childhood state systems through the Act Early Network to support recovery and strengthen resilience skills, behaviors, and resources of children, families, and communities during COVID-19 response, mitigation, and recovery efforts. Act Early Response to COVID-19 Year 1 (2020-2021) Act Early Response to COVID-19 Year 2 (2021-2022).

Coordinated and Integrated Data Systems for the Early Identification (CIDSEI) of Young Children with Developmental Delays or Disabilities

This project will develop, implement, and evaluate activities to support states and territories to improve the collection, management, interpretation, and dissemination of data to guide their decision-making related to the four steps of early identification of young children with developmental delays or disabilities. The purpose of this project is to address system coordination and enhance the ability to track and monitor children with and or at risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities (DD). This project will support work to investigate and leverage existing successful models (e.g., Help Me Grow) to produce tools and resources for communities to implement promising practices related to a CIDSEI. Emphasis will be on the successful use of tools within systems in under-resourced communities.

Act Early Ambassador Program Expansion

AUCD has also expanded the footprint of the Act Early Ambassador Program with several new "Learn the Signs. Act Early." Ambassadors. Sixty Act Early Ambassadors now represent every state in the nation in addition to several territories. Act Early Ambassadors expand the reach of the "Learn the Signs. Act Early." Program and support their respective state/territory's work toward improving early identification. They serve as a regional point of contact and promote the adoption and integration of "Learn the Signs. Act Early." resources into systems that serve young children and their families.

Find the Act Early Ambassador in your state/territory.

Act Early Forum, is a national community of over one thousand professionals with medical, child development, developmental disability, special education, and early intervention expertise.

AUCD hosts the Act Early Forum listserv so you can share resources, information, and announcements related to improving early identification. You can also ask questions and get answers here. AUCD will also use this list to announce quarterly Act Early Webinars. Act Early Forum members include past Act Early Regional Summit participants, State Team members, and past and current Act Early Ambassadors. However, anyone interested in improving early identification is welcome to join. For questions about the Act Early Forum, please contact: Chevelle Glymph, AUCD's Senior Director of Public Health at [email protected].

Act Early Ambassadors expand the reach of the “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program and support their respective state’s work toward improving early identification of developmental delays and disabilities, including autism. Since 2011, professionals with medical, child development, developmental disability, special education, and early intervention expertise have been selected to Serve as a state or territorial point-of-contact for the national “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program; Support the work of Act Early Teams and other state/territorial or national initiatives to improve early identification of developmental delay and disability; and Promote the adoption and integration of “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” resources into systems that serve young children and their families.

group Act Early Ambassadors attending the 2022 Act Early Ambassador Training at the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia.

For additional questions, please contact Chevelle Glymph, AUCD's Senior Director of Public Health, [email protected].

Act Early State Systems Grants, 2011-2019, This past grant was designed to strengthen state and community systems for early identification and coordination of services for children with developmental disabilities. To learn more about the specific strategies and implementation activities, click to view the interactive resource, "Learn the Signs. Act Early." AMCHP's State Systems Grant: Eight Years in Review."