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Act Early Network News

Act Early Network News is a quarterly newsletter that keeps you up-to-date with the Act Early Network of Ambassadors, state system projects, and state teams. Act Early Network News supports you and the work in your state to improve early identification of developmental delays or concerns in young children, utilizing CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early. Program.

Spring 2023 Issue

News from Act Early Network

NJ's Ocean County WIC Program Implements the CDC's Developmental Milestone Checklist Program

Spring is a season marked by new growth and this Spring was no different for the Ocean County WIC Program in New Jersey. With seed funding and technical assistance from the Association of State Public Health Nutritionists, and with the support of the CDC's Act Early Ambassador to NJ, WIC staff in 3 clinics introduced the CDC's Developmental Milestone Checklists as an easy and reliable tool for parents to monitor their child's development, as part of standard WIC provisions for families certifying onsite. This integration was an obvious choice as WIC is a familiar and valued resource, offering critical services to improve health outcomes for low-income families. Incorporating developmental monitoring into nutrition education, and providing referrals and participant-centered goals allow parents to engage in their child's development in a positive and confidential space.

The first month of the pilot resulted in over 430 checklists provided to families with infants and children, age ranging from 2 months up to their graduation from the WIC Program. Of the referrals provided, Early Intervention (EI) and POAC Autism Services were the most provided based on the needs identified. As the Ocean County WIC Program continues to bolster their services they provide to families, alternative ways to support and sustain family-engaged developmental monitoring are being explored.

Read the full newsletter.

Image of a newborn baby wrapped in a swaddle, she uses a feeding tube through her nose and looks at the camera.

Act Early Network News

Delivered to you every quarter.

View the Spring 2023 Issue

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An adult black woman works with a young black girl. They sit together in a living room on couches.