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AUCD Experts

Cheryl Grenwelge, Ph. D.

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Contact Information:
4225 MS Harrington 637, College Station, TX, 77843-4225
Discipline Coordinators:
Specialty Resource Contacts:
Research- Affiliated Faculty
Education: General
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership
Linked Projects

2.01 Texas Transition Conference
2.01 Texas Transition Conference
1.03 Postsecondary Access and Training for Human Services (PATHS) Project
1.03 Postsecondary Access and Training for Human Services (PATHS) Project
2.01 Texas Transition Conference

1.03 Postsecondary Access and Training for Human Services (PATHS) Project
2.01 Texas Transition Conference
1.03 Postsecondary Access and Training for Human Services (PATHS) Project
2.01 Texas Transition Conference
3.06 Self-Determination on High School Students
1.06 Postsecondary Access and Training for Human Services (PATHS) Project
2.01 Texas Transition Conference
2.02 Project LEAP
2.06 Texas AgrAbility Project
2.08 Ag Extension - Positive Behavior Supports
2.17 Work And College Opportunities (WACO)
1.5 Bridge to Career (Grenwelge)
1.5 Postsecondary Access and Training for Human Services (PATHS) Project (Grenwelge)
2.1 Texas Transition Conference (Grenwelge)
2.2.1 Leadership, Employability, and Advocacy Project (Grenwelge)
2.6 Texas AgrAbility Project (Grenwelge)
2.8 Positive Behavior Supports: Agricultural Extension (Grenwelge)
2.2.2 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge)
3.3.3 Higher Education Collaborative (Grenwelge)
2.1 Texas Transition Conference (Grenwelge)
2.2.1 Leadership, Employability, and Advocacy Project (Grenwelge)
2.2.2 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge)
3.3.3 Higher Education Collaborative (Grenwelge)
2.6 Texas AgrAbility Project || Battle Ground to Breaking Ground (Grenwelge)
2.1 Texas Transition Conference (Grenwelge)
2.2.1 Leadership, Employability, and Advocacy Project (Grenwelge)
2.2.2 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge)
2.6 Texas AgrAbility Project || Battle Ground to Breaking Ground (Grenwelge)
2.1 Texas Transition Conference (Grenwelge/Day)
2.2.1 Leadership, Employability, and Advocacy Project (Grenwelge)
2.2.2 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge)
2.6 Texas AgrAbility Project || Battle Ground to Breaking Ground (Grenwelge)
1.8 (Grenwelge) Horticulture Options in Plant Sciences (HOPS)
2.1 Texas Transition Conference (Grenwelge/Day)
2.2.1 Leadership, Employability, and Advocacy Project (Grenwelge)
2.2.2 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge)
2.6 Texas AgrAbility Project || Battle Ground to Breaking Ground (Grenwelge)
1.8 Horticultural Options in Plant Sciences (HOPS) - (Grenwelge)
2.1 Texas Transition Conference (Grenwelge/Day)
2.2.1 Leadership, Employability, and Advocacy Project (Grenwelge)
2.2.2 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge)
2.6 Texas AgrAbility Project || Battle Ground to Breaking Ground (Grenwelge)
1.8 Horticultural Options in Plant Sciences (HOPS) - (Grenwelge)
2.2.2 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge)
2.6 Texas AgrAbility Project || Battle Ground to Breaking Ground (Grenwelge)
1.7 Horticultural Options in Plant Sciences (HOPS) - (Grenwelge)
1.8 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge/Wu)
2.6 Texas AgrAbility Project || Battle Ground to Breaking Ground (Grenwelge)
Linked Products

2.08 AGRA - Flyer
2.08 AGRA - Presentation
2.08 AGRA - Mock Assessment Video
2.08 AGRA - Texas AgrAbility Consumer Interview Video
2.08 AGRA - Radio Segment

2.08 AGRA -AgrAbility Start-Up Lessons Learned Presentation
2.08 AGRA -2011 Texas AgrAbility Brief
2.08 AGRA -Disabilty, Agriculture and Texas Awareness Module
1.03 PATHS - Postsecondary Access and Training In Human Service Program
1.03 PATHS - Brochure
2.08 AGRA - Texas AgrAbility Newsletter
2.08 AGRA - Texas AgrAbility Website
2.08 AGRA - LEAP: Leadership with Educational and AgrAbility Programs. 2011 National AgrAbility Workshop, Indianapolis, IN.
2.08 AGRA - Pilot Testing STARE - Selection Tool for Assisted Riding Equine.
2.08 AGRA - 2012 Texas AgrAbility Brief
2.08 AGRA - Radio Clip
2.08 AGRA - News Release
2.08 AGRA - Texas AgrAbility Television Video Release
2.08 AGRA - Texas AgrAbilty, Texas Agriculture_OT PPT
2.08 AGRA - Brochure
2.08 AGRA - Workbook
2.08 AGRA - Newsletter
2.08 AGRA - "A New Hope"
2.08 AGRA - "Program aids disabled farmers"
2.08 AGRA - "First Agricultural Workshop in Texas For Veterans a Success"
2.08 AGRA - "Agriculture workshop for military veterans to be held in San Antonio"
2.08 AGRA - "Agriculture workshop series for military veterans to be held in Dallas and Belton"
2.08 AGRA - Website
2.01 TTC - Imagine, Plan, Do 2014 TTC Conference Save The Date Flyer
2.01 TTC - "Imagine, Plan, Do" 2014 TTC Conference Registration Brochure
2.01 TTC - "Imagine, Plan, Do" 2014 TTC Conference Program
2.01 TTC - "Imagine, Plan, Do" 2014 TTC Conference App
2.01 TTC - Website
2.08 AGRA - Newsletter
2.08 AGRA - 2014 Texas AgrAbility Brief
2.08 AGRA - LEAP and Texas AgrAbility
2.08 AGRA - From Battleground to Breaking Ground: A Transformation Journey
2.08 AGRA - Battleground to Breaking Ground: A Program in Texas Helps turn Veterans in to Farmers
2.08 AGRA - Disabled Farmer Gets New Tractor
2.08 AGRA - Returning to the Field
2.08 AGRA - Texas AgrAbility gives helping hand to military veterans, agricultural producers with disabilities
2.01 TTC - "Expect, Employ, Empower" 2015 TTC Conference AP
2.01 TTC - Website
2.01 TTC - "Expect, Employ, Empower" 2015 TTC Conference Program
2.01 TTC - "Expect, Employ, Empower" 2015 TTC Conference Flyer
1.03 - PATHS & B2C - Presentation
1.03 PATHS - Brochure
1.03 B2C - Brochure
1.03 B2C - Pamphlet
1.03 PATHS - Pamphlet
1.03 B2C - Informational Video
1.03 PATHS - Informational Video
2.08 AGRA - 2014 Texas AgrAbility Brief
2.12 Whose Life is it Anyways? - Pamphlet
2.02 Project LEAP - Pamphlets
1.05 - PATHS & B2C - Presentation
2.08 Positive Behavior Supports - Development of Two Online Learning Modules
1.05 B2C - Brochure
3.3.3 HEC | How-To Manual
2.6 AGRA | Newsletter
2.6 AgrAbility | Workshop Flyers
2.6 AgrAbility | Texas AgrAbility Brochures
2.6 AgrAbility | Texas AgrAbility Newsletter
2.6 AgrAbility | Texas AgrAbility Project Briefs and Fact Sheets
2.6 AgrAbility | Texas AgrAbility eNotes
2.6 AgrAbility | Texas AgrAbility webinars
2.6 AgrAbility | Texas AgrAbility workbooks
2.6 AgrAbility | Texas AgrAbility Training
2.6 AgrAbility Newsletter
2.6 - "Texas AgrAbility For Occupational Therapists" Module 1
2.6 - "Texas AgrAbility For Occupational Therapists" Module 2
2.6 - "Texas AgrAbility For Occupational Therapists" Module 3
2.6 - "Texas AgrAbility For Occupational Therapists" Module 4
2.6 - "Texas AgrAbility For Occupational Therapists" Module 5
2.6 - "Texas AgrAbility For Occupational Therapists" Module 6
2.6 - "Texas AgrAbility For Occupational Therapists" Module 7
2.6 - "Texas AgrAbility For Occupational Therapists" Module 8
2.6 AgrAbility OT Assessments
2.6 AgrAbility Farmworker Brochure - Language Accessibility
2.6 AgrAbility Brief
2.6 AgrAbility TBI Fact Sheet
2.6 - AgrAbility - Blogs
2.6 AgrAbility Farmworker AgraAbility Brochure
2.2.1 Leadership, Employability, and Advocacy Project (Grenwelge) - Website updates and management
2.6 Texas AgrAbility Project || Battle Ground to Breaking Ground (Grenwelge) - 65 Videos
2.2.1 Leadership, Employability, and Advocacy Project (Grenwelge) - Video (July 2021): LEAP Project at Texas A&M University
2.2.2 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge) - Video (July 2021): WACO Program at Texas A&M University Statements
2.6 Texas AgrAbility Project || Battle Ground to Breaking Ground (Grenwelge) - 3 Educational Facts (Spanish)
2.6 Texas AgrAbility Project || Battle Ground to Breaking Ground (Grenwelge) - Blogs
2.6 Texas AgrAbility Project || Battle Ground to Breaking Ground (Grenwelge) - /Annual Impact Brief
2.2.2 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge) - Photo IDs
2.2.2 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge) - Flyer
2.2.2 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge) - Website updates and management
2.2.1 Leadership, Employability, and Advocacy Project (Grenwelge) - Workbook
2.2.2 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge)- Workbook
3.7 (Grenwelge) How Do We Education Military Veterans as Successful Farmers? (March, 2022)
3.7 (Grenwelge) Working with Capstone Students to Augment AgrAbility Services (March, 2022)
3.7 (Grenwelge) Postsecondary Education and Competitive Integrated Employment are the Goals (February, 2022)
2.2.2 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge) - Flyer
1.8. HOPS - Graduation Certificates
1.8 HOPS Information- Flyer
1.7 HOPS Information- Flyer
1.8 Work And College Opportunities (WACO) Project (Grenwelge) - Flyer
1.7 HOPS - Graduation Certificates
1.7 HOPS - Graduation Competencies
1.7 HOPS 2024 Graduation Program
1.8 WACO- WACO Certificates
1.7 HOPS 2024 Work Timesheets
2.6 Texas AgrAbilityII Battleground to Breaking Ground: Getting Started with TWC Vocational Rehab for self-employment in agriculture