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AUCD Experts

Wei Yang, Ph.D.

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Relationship of Sensory Responsiveness Patterns on the Language Development of Neurologically Typical Children
Reducing 30-Day Hospital Readmission Rates using Community Health Paramedics: Addressing Social Determinants of Health", American Public Health Association
Relationship of Sensory Responsiveness Patterns on the Language Development of Neurologically Typical Children
Marijuana and other substance abuse in pregnant women: A population-based study
Interacting effects of sexual orientation and adverse childhood experiences on suicide ideation and attempts in a population-based sample of high school students. Oral Presentation.

Adverse childhood experiences and non-suicidal self-injury in a population-based sample of high school students. Oral Presentation.
A graded relationship between sleep and non-suicidal self-injury in a population-based sample of middle school students.
Adverse childhood experiences and behavioral health problems among high school students in Nevada. Oral Presentation.
Electronic vapor product use among middle school students in Nevada: Associations with early initiation of cigarette and marijuana use.
Trends in substance use among high school students in Nevada. Oral Presentation.
Behavioral health disparities among lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) High School Students in Nevada.
Nevada High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Comparison
2015 Nevada High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)
Five-Year Experience with Screening Electrocardiograms in National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Athletes.
Inter-pregnancy Interval and Birth Defects: A Population-Based Study.
Elderly hospitalization and the New-type Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme (NCMS) in China: multi-stage cross-sectional surveys of Jiangxi province.
Social Capital and Quality of Life among People Living With HIV/AIDS in Southeast China.
Physical Fighting Among Male and Female Adolescents of Military Families Results From a Representative Sample of High School Students.
Prevalence and Correlates of Any and Frequent Synthetic Cannabinoid Use in a Representative Sample of High School Students.
Prevalence of sickle cell trait and reliability of self-reported status among expectant parents in Nigeria: Implications for targeted newborn screening.
Impact of Male PartnerÕs Awareness and Support for Contraceptives on Female Intent to Use Contraceptives in Southeast Nigeria.
What do You Need to Get Male Partners of Pregnant Women Tested for HIV in Resource Limited Settings? The Baby Shower Cluster Randomized Trial. AIDS and Behavior.
"Top Performing" US Hospitals and the Health Status of Counties they Serve
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) as a Primary Data Source for MCH Priorities