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AUCD Experts

Kenneth Schachter, MD, MBA

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Contact Information:
1295 N Martin Ave PO Box 245210, Tucson, AZ, 85724
Discipline Coordinators:
Health Administration
Health Administration
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership


Past experience includes providing full-time patient care for 10 years in the Indian Health Service and part-time ambulatory care for 11 more years - including care for patients with disabilities and chronic illnesses.  In the Indian Health Service, Dr. Schachter supervised medical and non-medical staff and worked with tribal officials.  As a manager and medical consultant with the Health Resources and Services Administration, he participated in a number of on-site reviews of federally funded migrant and community health centers evaluating quality of care, quality efforts, and overall center function.  As Medical Director, Office of HealthCare Partnerships at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Schachter facilitated extramural research and participated in regional and national health care quality improvement efforts with other federal and non-governmental agencies.  Dr. Schachter was principal investigator for Leaders across Borders, a binational, U.S.-Mexico public health leadership development program.  He is an investigator in a CDC-funded project that designed and implemented advocacy and leadership training for community health workers in Arizona border communities.  He teaches public health policy, management, and leadership at the UA College of Public Health.  And, he collaboratively teaches an online interprofessional, graduate-level course in quality and safety and teaches leadership in the AZLEND program.


St. Elizabeth Health Center Clinic Advisory Board