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AUCD Experts

Kay Johnson, MPH, MEd

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Discipline Coordinators:
Public Health
Education: Early Intervention/Early Childhood
Health Administration
Human Development/Child Development
Public Health
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

Over the past 35 years, Kay Johnson has become nationally recognized for her work in maternal and child health policy, as a researcher, advocate, and consultant. She has been active in Medicaid, EPSDT, and health policy at the federal and state levels since 1984 and a consultant to more than 40 states. Her expertise on policy and finance encompasses a wide range of maternal and child health topics such as: perinatal care, and infant mortality reduction; home visiting; early childhood; oral health; immunization; genetics and newborn screening; adolescent health; and children with disabilities and other special needs. She has written numerous policy reports and published dozens of journal articles. Her presentations include more than 150 keynote and juried presentations, as well as Congressional testimony. Ms. Johnson is found and president of Johnson Group Consulting, Inc. - a national firm based in Vermont that has provided MCH policy and program consultation since 1998.  She formerly heldappointments as Research Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Dartmouth Medical School and Lecturer in Healthy Policy at the George Washington University. She previously held senior positions at the March of Dimes and Children's Defense Fund. Prior to her policy work, Kay worked for seven years providing direct service to low-income families in child care and child development centers, including work with inclusive child care, early intervention, and related projects.
