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AUCD Experts

Leonard Abbeduto, PhD

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Speech-Language Pathology
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UC Davis Distinguished Professor Emeritus
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No Council Membership

Leonard Abbeduto, PhD, is UC Davis Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the MIND Institute and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of California, Davis. His research is focused broadly on the development of language across the lifespan in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders and the family context for language development.  He is also the Past-President of Division 33 (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) of the American Psychological Association. Dr. Abbeduto has received numerous awards and honors, including the Kellett Mid-Career Research Award (2008) and Emil A. Steiger Award for Distinguished Teaching (1996) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Enid and William Rosen Research Award from the National Fragile X Foundation (2010). He earned his PhD in Psychology from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1982.

Linked Projects

4e Research - Other
4e Research - Other
4e Research - Other
4e Research - Other
4e Research - Other
Linked Products

Journal: The Autism Symptom Dimensions Questionnaire (ASDQ): Development and psychometric evaluation of a new, open-source measure of autism symptomatology.
Journal: Family and caregiver characteristics contribute to caregiver change in use of strategies and growth in child spoken language in a parent-implemented language intervention in fragile X syndrome.
Journal: Attention/Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adolescent and Young Adult Males With Fragile X Syndrome.
Journal: Mental Health Challenges, Parenting Stress, and Features of the Couple Relationship in Parents of Children With Fragile X Syndrome.
Journal: The association between expressive language skills and adaptive behavior in individuals with Down syndrome.

Journal: Language and Literacy in Students with Intellectual Disabilities: Assessment, Intervention, and Moderators of Progress
Journal: Integrating de novo and inherited variants in 42,607 autism cases identifies mutations in new moderate-risk genes.
Press: The Translational Research Impact Fund seeks to help translate laboratory research into treatments for fragile X
Press: MIND Institute thanks research families with winter wonderland event 10 December
Journal: Toward Equity in Research on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Journal: The Work Ahead for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research
Journal: Preliminary Psychometric Properties of an Inhibition Task in Young Children with Down Syndrome
Journal: The impact of social-environmental factors on IQ in syndromic intellectual developmental disabilities.
Journal: Characterising the social interaction style of autism in young adult males with fragile X syndrome
Webinar: Rethinking Treatment Studies in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: Insights from 12 Years at the MIND Institute.
Conf Pres: Transition Experiences of Youth with Fragile X Syndrome and Associations with Adaptive Behavior and Executive Function
Conf Pres: Rethinking clinical trials in neurodevelopmental disabilities: Contributions from language assessment and intervention.
Conf Pres: Understanding the Heterogeneity of Autism and Neurodevelopmental Conditions by Mapping Genes to Complex Phenotypes
Journal: Extended trajectory of spatial memory errors in typical and atypical development: the role of binding and precision.
Journal: Parental responsivity and child communication during mother–child and father–child interactions in fragile x syndrome.
Book: The Oxford handbook of Down syndrome and development.
Book Chapter: Language development in Down syndrome.
Book Chapter: Future directions in research on the development of persons with Down syndrome.
Journal: Clinical variants paired with phenotype: A rich resource for brain gene curation0
Jounral: The brain gene registry: A data snapshot.
Conf Pres: Language Measures to Assess Treatment Efficacy.