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AUCD Experts

Randi Hagerman, MD

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Contact Information:
MIND Institute UCDH 2825 50th Street, Sacramento, , CA, 95817
Principal Investigator
Primary Activity Coordinators:
Research Director
Discipline Coordinators:
Psychiatry: Developmental
Pediatrics: Developmental/Neonatology
Specialty Resource Contacts:
Director of the Fragile X Treatment and Research Center
Medicine-Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
AUCD Council Membership:

Dr. Randi Hagerman is a developmental and behavioral pediatrician and a Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics at the MIND Institute at UC Davis. She is internationally recognized as both a clinician and researcher in the field of neurodevelopmental disorders including autism and fragile X syndrome.  Dr. Hagerman received her M.D. from Stanford University, where she also carried out her Pediatric residency. She completed a Fellowship in Learning and Disabilities and Ambulatory Pediatrics at UC San Diego, then led Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at the University of Colorado for 20 years. She co-founded the National Fragile X Foundation in 1984. In 2000,  Hagerman joined the MIND Institute and she carries out treatment trials for  Fragile X syndrome, ASD and FXTAS.  There, she and her team discovered the Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS), a neurodegenerative disorder associated with the fragile X premutation.

 Hagerman has written over 500 peer-reviewed articles and numerous book chapters on neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as editing several books on fragile X disorders including a 2020 book edited by Hagerman and Hagerman titled Fragile X Syndrome and Premutation Disorders published by MacKeith press and she coedited the second edition of the Textbook of Autism Spectrum Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Publishing in 2023. Her research includes targeted treatment trials for Fragile X syndrome, autism, FXTAS and other premutation disorders.

University of Colorado Director of Child Development Unit at Children's Hospital 1980-2000 Medical Director of the MIND Institute at Univ of California Davis 2000-2023