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Frederick Palmer, MD

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Frederick B. Palmer, M.D.

Shainberg Professor of Pediatrics

Director, Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities










Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire




University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY




Internship (PL-1). University of Utah Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics




Residency (PL-2,3), University of Utah Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics




Postgraduate, Fellow in Developmental Pediatrics, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, The John F. Kennedy Institute



Developmental Pediatrics

•A.      Positions and Honors

 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, The John F. Kennedy Institute, 1978-1985.

Associate Professor of Pediatrics, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, The Kennedy Institute for Handicapped Children, 1985-1994.

Director, Department of Developmental Pediatrics, Kennedy Krieger Institute 1989-1994.

Director, Division of Child Development, Department of Pediatrics, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1989-1994.

Director, Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities, The University of Tennessee, Memphis, 1994 - present.

Shainberg Professor of Pediatrics, University of Tennessee, Memphis, College of Medicine, 1994 - present.

 •B. Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications/Manuscripts

Capute AJ, Palmer FB, Shapiro BK, Wachtel RC, Schmidt SP, Ross A:  Clinical linguistic and auditory milestone scale: Prediction of cognition in infancy.  Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 28:762-771, 1986.

Palmer FB, Shapiro BK, Wachtel RC, Allen MC, Hiller JE, Harryman SE, Mosher BS, Meinert CL, Capute AJ: The effects of physical therapy on cerebral palsy: a controlled trial in infants with spastic diplegia.  New England Journal of Medicine, 318:803-808, 1988.

Palmer FB, Capute AJ, Shapiro BK:  Mandated interventions and clinical trials:  A time for proof.  Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 9:79-81, 1988.       

Palmer FB, Shapiro BK, Allen MC, Wachtel RC, Brown CH, Onstaad L, Capute AJ:  Validation of an early screen for cerebral palsy.  Proceedings from the 1988 Tri-Regional Conference on Completed Maternal and Child Health Research. pp 87-100, 1989.

Palmer FB, Shapiro BK, Allen MC, Mosher BS, Bilker SA, Harryman SE, Meinert CL, Capute AJ.  Infant stimulation curriculum for infants with cerebral palsy:  effects on infant temperament, parent-infant interaction and home environment.  Pediatrics, 85:411-415, 1990.

Hoon AH, Pulsifer MB, Gopalan R, Palmer FB, Capute AJ. The CAT/CLAMS in early cognitive assessment.  J Pediatr, 123:S1-8, 1993.

Pulsifer MD, Hoon AH, Palmer FB, Gopalan R, Capute AJ: Maternal estimates of developmental age in preschool children.  J Pediatr, 125:S18-24, 1994.

Wachtel RC, Shapiro BK, Palmer FB, Allen MC, Capute AJ:  CAT/CLAMS:  A tool for the pediatric evaluation of infants and young children with developmental delay, Clinical Pediatrics, 33: 410-415, 1994.

Palmer FB, Capute AJ: Mental retardation. Pediatrics in Review, 15:473-479, 1994.

Palmer FB, Hoon AH: Cerebral palsy, in Parker S, Zuckerman B (eds): Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics: A Handbook for Primary Care, Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1995.

Palmer FB: The developmental history, in Capute AJ, Accardo PJ (eds): Developmental Disabilities in Infancy and Childhood, 2nd Edition, Brookes Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1996.

Pakula AL, Palmer FB: Early intervention for children at risk for neuromotor problems, in Guralnick MJ (ed): The Effect of Early Intervention: Second Generation Research, Brookes Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1997.

Palmer FB: Evaluation of developmental therapies in cerebral palsy. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 3:145-152, 1997.

Cheney PD, Palmer FB (Eds): Cerebral Palsy.  Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 3:109-111, 1997.          

Petersen MC, Kube DA, Palmer FB: Classification of developmental delays, Seminars in Pediatric Neurology, 5:2-14, 1998.    

Kube DA, Wilson WM, Petersen MC, Palmer FB: The CAT/CLAMS: Its use in detecting early childhood cognitive impairment, Pediatric Neurology, 23:208-215, 2000.

Kube DA, Palmer: Reading Disorder, in Stockman JA, Lohr JA (eds): Ambulatory Pediatrics, WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 2000.

Petersen MC, Palmer FB: Advances in prevention and treatment of cerebral palsy, Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 7:30-37, 2001.

Kube DA, Petersen MC, Palmer FB: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder comorbidity and medication use, Clinical Pediatrics, 41:461-469, 2002.

Petersen MC, Palmer FB: Commentary: Birthweight and risk for cerebral palsy, The Lancet, 362:1089-1090, 2003.

Palmer FB, Percy AK, Tivnan P, Juul D, Tunnessen WW, Scheiber SC:  Certification in Neurodevelopmental  Disabilities:  The development of a new subspecialty and results of the initial examinations, Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 9:128-131, 2003.

Palmer, FB:  Strategies for the early diagnosis of cerebral palsy, J Pediatr.145 (2 Suppl): S8-S11, 2004.

Palmer, FB, Hoon AH: Cerebral palsy, in Parker S, Zuckerman B, Augustyn M (eds): Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics: A Handbook for Primary Care, 2nd Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2005.

Petersen MC, Palmer FB: Mental Retardation, in Osborn L, DeWitt TG, First LR (eds): Comprehensive Pediatrics, Elsevier Health Science Publ., 2005.

Palmer FB, Capute AJ: Streams of Development: The Key to Developmental Assessment, in McMillan JA, DeAngelis CD, Feigin RD, Warshaw JB (eds): Oski's Pediatrics:  Principles and Practice, 4th edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2006.

Petersen MC, Kube DA, Palmer FB:  High prevalence of developmental disabilities in children admitted to a general pediatric inpatient unit, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 18:307-318, 2006 (DOI 10.1007/s10882-006-9018-4)

Whitaker, TM and Palmer, FB. The Developmental History. In: Accardo, PJ, editor. Capute & Accardo's Neurodevelopmental Disabilities in Infancy and Childhood, Third Edition. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., 2008.

Petersen MC, Kube DA, Whitaker TM, Graff C, Palmer FB:  Prevalence of developmental and behavioral disorders in a pediatric hospital, Pediatrics, 2009;123;e490-e495 (DOI: 10.1542/peds.2008-2750)

Kube DA, Palmer FB:  Early Interventions in Developmental Disabilities, in Shevell M (ed):  Clinical and Scientific Aspects of Neurodevelopmental Disabilities, MacKeith Press,  2009

Kube, DA, Bishop EA, Roth, JM, Palmer, FB.  Evaluation of a parent led curriculum in developmental disabilities for pediatric and medicine/pediatric residents, Maternal and Child Health Journal, 2012, (DOI 10.1007/s10995-012-1133-5)

Gardner LM, Murphy LE, Campbell JM, Tylavsky FA, Palmer FB, Graff JC.  Screening accuracy for risk of autism spectrum disorder using the Brief Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (BITSEA), Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7:591-600, 2013.

Palmer FB, Anand KJS, Graff JC, Murphy LE, Qu Y, Völgyi E, Rovnaghi CR, Moore A,  Tran QT, Tylavsky FA.  Early adversity, socioemotional development, and stress in urban one-year-old children, Journal of Pediatrics, 163: 1733-1739 el, 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2013.08.030

Anand KJS, Palmer FB, Papanicolaou AC.  Repetitive neonatal pain and neurocognitive abilities in ex-preterm children,  Pain, 154:1899-1901, 2013.DOI: 10.1016/j.pain.2013.06.027

Krushkal J, Murphy LE, Palmer, FB, Graff JC, Sutter TR, Mozhui K, Hovinga CA, Fridtjof T, Park V, Tylavsky FA, Adkins RA. Epigenetic analysis of neurocognitive development at 1 year of age in a community-based cohort, Behavioral Genetics, 44(1): 1-13., 2014. (DOI: 10.1007/s10519-014-9641-2).

Dr. Palmer's special clinical service interests are in autism spectrum disorders, preschool language disorders, cerebral palsy and better meeting the needs of children and adults with disabilities and their families in the setting of our changing health care delivery and related support system.
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