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AUCD Experts

Kathryn Burke, PhD

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
Special Education
Specialty Resource Contacts:
Special Education/Senior Research Associate
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

Dr. Kathryn M. Burke is currently a Senior Research Associate at the Institute on Disabilities and an Assistant Professor of Research in the Department of Teaching and Learning at Temple University. She received her doctoral degree from the University of Kansas in Special Education with a Minor in Research Design and Analysis. Her research focuses on promoting self-determination across the lifespan for people with disabilities. She has authored or co-authored 12 peer-reviewed publications and three book chapters. Dr. Burke was formerly an elementary special education teacher in Philadelphia and is passionate about advancing strengths-based inclusive education through scholarship, teaching, and service.


Self-determination, strengths-based inclusive education, teacher preparation
Linked Projects

Leadership and Career Studies (formery known as Academy for Adult Learning)
City - Measuring Personal Outcomes
CIty-Leadership and Career Studies
Leadership and Career Studies (formery known as Academy for Adult Learning)
Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Program
Linked Products

COVID-19 mortality rates for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (Burke)
Development of the Goal-Setting Challenge App: Engaging users to promote self-determination (Burke)
Goal Attainment Scaling: A framework for research and practice in the intellectual and developmental disabilities field (Burke)
Understanding career goals set by autistic youth (Burke)