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AUCD Experts

Lauren Lindstrom, Ph.D.

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
Special Education
Education: Administration
Education/Special Education
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership
Linked Projects

4a-2 Etiology, Treatment, and Services for People with Autism: Adolescent to Young Adulthood Including Transition and Career Readiness
4a-2 Etiology, Treatment, and Services for People with Autism: Adolescent to Young Adulthood Including Transition and Career Readiness
4a-2 Etiology, Treatment, and Services for People with Autism: Adolescent to Young Adulthood Including Transition and Career Readiness
Linked Products

Journal: Paths 2 the Future and the Development of Perceived Peer Support: A Mixed Methods Study.
Journal: Still stuck: An examination of the early paid employment experiences of young women with disabilities.
Journal: Examining the role of peer support on work experiences for young women with disabilities.
Conf Pres: Paths 2 the Future: Improving Career Outcomes for Young Women with Disabilities.
Conf Pres: Career transitioning of youth with neurodevelopmental learning needs: Phenomenological experiences of parents and practitioners.