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AUCD Experts

Joette Hardin, B.A., M.S.

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
Project/Program/Clinic Contacts:
Work-Based Learning Project
Education/Special Education
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

Joette Hardin entered the special education field as a multi-categorical special education teacher.  During her 25-year teaching career she worked in public school districts in Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, and Texas.  Ms. Hardin taught special education students at all grade levels and with all disabilities, but much of her years of teaching was spent educating students ages 14-22. Since joining the CDD, Ms. Hardin has served as the program coordinator on the work-based learning project and the capacity building project which are projects addressing student transition from school to work.  She is a member of CEC. 
