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AUCD Experts

Mark Van Ryzin, PhD

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Contact Information:
Primary Activity Coordinators:
Discipline Coordinators:
Special Education
Rehab Counseling
Psychiatry: Developmental
Public Health
Education/Special Education
Mental and Behavioral Health
Medicine-Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Medicine-Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership
Linked Projects

Teacher Standards & Practices Commission
Transforming adolescent mental health through accessible, scalable, technology-supported small-group instruction
Teacher Standards & Practices Commission: Technology Development
Teacher Standards & Practices Commission
Teacher Standards & Practices Commission: Technology Development
Linked Products

Peer learning can modify the reciprocal relationship between peersupport and victimization in middle school.
How innovative instructional methods can reduce peer victimization:Considerations for novel intervention
A longitudinal process model evaluating the effects of cooperative learning on victimization, stress, mental health, and academic engagement in middle school (online first)
The longitudinal relationship between peer relations and empathy and their joint contribution to reducing bullying in middle school: Findings from a randomized trial of cooperative learning.
Universal school-based substance use prevention using technology-supported cooperative learning