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AUCD Experts

Christina Barden, RN, BSN

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
Specialty Resource Contacts:
Medically Fragile
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

Working with families of children who are medically fragile using the principle of family centered care.  This includes collaboration and incorporation of families at different levels of the program-advisory, support, training and information.

Development of specific program parameters in order to keep up to date, and work more capably and efficiently with families and community providers.

Development of policies, procedures and procedural safeguards in order to provide best practice case management to a culturally diverse population.

<B>Membership in Professional Organizations:</B><BR> Sigma Theta Tau-Honor Society of Nurses<BR>UNM Health Sciences Center Case Management Consortium<BR>Early Intervention Service Coordination Committee and Early Intervention subcommittee that developed a Self Study Tutorial for Service Coordinators statewide.<BR>UNM Health Sciences Center, Bio Medical Ethics Committee<BR>Childrens Advisory Task Force/Long Term Services Division/New Mexico Department of Health<BR>Double Rainbow Project, Provider/Parent Advisory Committee<BR>Cimarron Salud Consumer Advisory Board<BR>Nursing in the Schools/MITS/Medical Assistance Division<BR>New Mexico Association for Home Care<BR>Ad-Hoc committees with the New Mexico Medical Assistance Division and the New Mexico Long Term Services Division to address and develop policy and procedure<BR>Long Term Medicaid Managed Care Committee Long Term Therapy Task Force