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AUCD Experts

Stephen Gilson, MSW, Ph.D.

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Contact Information:
Primary Activity Coordinators:
Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness
Discipline Coordinators:
Social Work
Disability Studies
Public Health
Social Work
Liberal Arts & Sciences, Humanities, & General Studies
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership


Professor of Interdisciplinary Disability Studies and Social Work, University of Maine

Ph.D.            University of Nebraska Medical Center, Medical Sciences. 1991.

MSW                        University of Denver, Social Work. 1980.

Most Recent Awards/Honors:

2008 Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD), Multicultural Council Award for Leadership in Diversity

2008, elected as Chair-Elect for the Disability Section for the American Public Health Association.

2008, Summer Faculty Fellowship Summer Institute in Israel.

2005 Allan Meyers Award for Scholarship in Disability, American Public Health Association, September.

Research and Academic Teaching Experience

July 2008-present: Senior Research Fellow. Ono Academic College. Research Institute for Health and Medical Professions. 104 Zahal St., Kiryat Ono 55000 Israel

2000-present            Professor (Associate Professor; 2000-2004) Interdisciplinary Disability Studies, Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies and School of Social Work University of Maine Orono, Orono, ME.

1993-2000 Assistant Professor (1993-1999), Associate Professor, with Tenure. (1999- 2000) Virginia Commonwealth University. School of Social Work. Richmond, VA

Most Recent Publications

DePoy, E., & Gilson, S.F. (in press). Designer diversity: Moving beyond categorical branding. The Journal of Comparative Social Welfare.

DePoy, E., & Gilson, S.F. (in press). Disability as disjuncture: Integrative theory and guidelines for responsive global communities. Sage Publications.

DePoy, E., & Gilson, S. F. (in press). Disability by Design. The Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal.

DePoy, E., & Gilson, S.F. (in press). Social work practice with disability: Moving from the perpetuation of a client category to human rights and social justice. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics.

Gilson, S.F., & DePoy, E. (in press). Policy legitimacy: a model for disability policy analysis and change. The Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal.

DePoy, E., & Gilson, S. F. (2008). Disability Studies: Origins, Current Conflict, and Resolution. The Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal 4(4), 33-42.

DePoy, E., & Gilson, S. F. (2008). Designing University Techscapes: An Inter-Organizational Technology Collaboration to Advance Equality of Participation in University Organizations. In J. Salmons, & L. Wilson, (Eds.), A Handbook of Research on Electronic Collaboration and Organizational Synergy (pp. 223-237). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Gilson, S., & DePoy, E. (2008). Designer Diversity: Constructing Bodies and Backgrounds through Contemporary Design Theory. International Journal of the Humanities, 6(4), 177-188.

Gilson, S. F., & DePoy, E. (2008). Explanatory legitimacy: A model for disability policy development and analysis. In K. M. Sowers (Series Ed.) I. Colby (Vol. Ed.), Comprehensive handbook of social work and social welfare: Vol 4. Social policy and policy practice (pp. 203-217). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

DePoy, E. & Gilson S. (2007). Evaluation practice: How to do good evaluation research in work settings. New York: Routledge.

DePoy, E. & Gilson S. (2007). The Bell-Shaped Curve: Alive, Well and Living in Diversity Rhetoric. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations 7 (3), 253-260. Retrieved http://ijd.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.29/prod.514

Gilson, S. F., & DePoy, E. (2007). Da Vinci’s Ill Fated Design Legacy: Homogenization and Standardization. The International Journal of the Humanities, 5, (7), 145-154. Retrieved http://ijh.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.26/prod.1150

Gilson, S. F., & DePoy, E. (2007). Geographic analysis for the social sciences. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 1 (6), 89-96.

DePoy, E. & Gilson S. (2007) The human experience: Description, explanation, and judgment. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

DePoy, E., & Gilson, S.F. (2005/2006). Moving beyond nomothetic category: Diversity as symmetry. International Journal of the Humanities, 4, http://www.Humanities-Journal.com

DePoy, E. & Gilson S. (2006). Universal web access: An intelligent web interface.  International

Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 1, 128-131.

Selected Recent Presentations

Gilson, S. F., & DePoy, E. (2008, October 27). Responding to Diversity: An Inclusive Health Promotion Technology. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. (juried).

DePoy, E., & Gilson, S. F. (2008, July 15-18). Designer Diversity: Constructing Bodies and Backgrounds Through Contemporary Design Theory. 6th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities. Faith University, Istanbul, Turkey. (juried).

DePoy, E., & Gilson, S. F. (2008, June). Human Environment Juncture: Theoretical Foundation for Research, Education, and Social Action. Research Institute for Health and Medical Professions. Ono Academic College. Kiryat Ono Israel. (invited).

DePoy, E., & Gilson, S. F.  (2008, April, 15). Disability Studies, Past, Present Conflicts, and Future Initiatives and Directions. 24th Annual Pacific Rim Conference on Disabilities, April 14 and 15, 2008. (Invited – Noted Speakers Series).

Gilson, S. F., & DePoy, E. (2007, November). Health Policy Considerations: Explanatory Legitimacy & Evaluation Practice. Equal Health Opportunity Committee. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 5, 2007. (invited).

DePoy, E., & Gilson, S. F. (2007, July). The bell-shaped curve: Alive, well and living in diversity rhetoric. 7th International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2007. (juried).

Gilson, S. F., & DePoy, E. (2007, July). Da vincis ill fated design legacy: homogenization and standardization. 5th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities. Paris, France, July 2007. (juried).

DePoy, E., & Gilson, S. F. (2006, November 29). Reinventing disability and sexuality. The Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality. New York University. Disability and Sexuality Series. (invited).

DePoy, E., & Gilson, S. F. (2006, October). From Universal Design to Universal Communities: Flattening the Curve. Paper presentation (Association of University Centers on Disabilities) AUCD's 2006 Annual Meeting and Conference, 2006 in Washington DC.


editorial board member of the International Humanities Journal; consulting editor for The International Journal of Diversity in Organization, Communities and Nations; consulting editor for The International Journal of the Humanities; Member of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East; member of the Equal Health Access committee with the American Public Health Association; Member of the Interdisciplinary Disability Studies Academic Committee at the University of Maine; secretary for AFUM (faculty union); faculty advisor for Hillel; member of the board of directors for Maine's Disability Rights Center
Linked Products

Interdisciplinary Disability Studies Brochure
Interdisciplinary Disability Studies Brochure
NH - LEND Program Brochure
The Biological Person
Disability as microcosm

Social work practice with disability:
NH - LEND Program Brochure
Graduate Certificate in Disability Studies Recruitment Flyer
Social work disability practice: Applying explanatory legitimacy & disjuncture theory
Explanatory Legitimacy & Disjuncture: A Multidimensional Model for Disability Policy Devleopment & Analysis
Policy Analysis: A Tri-Axial Model
Poster - Examined Practice: A Gentle Model for Learning Systematic Inquiry
Graduate Certificate in Disability Studies Recruitment Flyer
NH - LEND Program Brochure
NH - LEND Program Brochure
Child Mental Health: A Discourse Community
AFARI Handout
Diversivate: Branding and Designing Disability
Co-Design: A contemporary path to innovation & entrepreneaurship for people with disabilities
Social work research and evaluation: Examined practice in action
On the farm in the third chapter in life
DIS 300 Class Research Poster Presentation: Flipping Our Brains: Disability Benefits Everyone
DIS 450 Class Research Poster Presentation: Disability Imagery: A Bastion of Social Change
Design, undesign and redesign: Eliminating embodied inequality
The Biological Person
Disability social work education for the 21st Century: A progressive model of disability
Teaching Disability Studies: Innovative Pedagogy
Disability in the 21st Century: Putting the disjuncture framework to work
Made in Maine Interview: Afari
Biological person in the social environment
Elder Farmers
On the farm in the third chapter in life
Biological person
Disability Identity
Co-Design: A contemporary path to innovation & entrepreneaurship for people with disabilities
Aging Farmers with Disabilities: From Ommission to Belonging
Graduate Specialization in Interdisciplinary Disability Studies
DIS 520 Course Recruitment Flyer for Spring 2020
Aging Farmers with Disabilities: From Ommission to Belonging
Co-Design: A contemporary path to innovation & entrepreneaurship for people with disabilities
Human behavior theory and application: A critical thinking approach ed. 2
Disability as Humanness
Disability in Aging
Disability Ethics: A confluence of human and distributive rights
Disability Studies: We Belong Here
Aging and Disabled Farmers
Aging Farmers with Disabilities: From Ommission to Belonging
Co-Design: A contemporary path to innovation & entrepreneaurship for people with disabilities
Emerging Thoughts in Disability and Humanness
The Afari: A Stylized Adaptive Mobility and Fitness Device for Outdoor Movement
Rebranding Disability
AFARI and Mobility Innovation
Aging Farmers with Disabilities: From Ommission to Belonging
Co-Design: A contemporary path to innovation & entrepreneaurship for people with disabilities
Aging farmers: Needs and ingenuity
Emerging Thoughts in Disability and Humanness
Active Aging: Rethinking the Use of Everyday Objects
Design and evaluation of the Afari: A three-wheeled mobility and balance support for outdoor exercise
Human behavior theory and applications: A critical thinking approach ed 2
An Expansive Vision of Mobility
Emerging Thoughts in Disability and Humanness
The Biological Person
Aging Farmers with Disabilities: From Ommission to Belonging
A Study of Evidence Based Practice in Health Professional Education: Advantages and Dangers
Co-Design: A contemporary path to innovation & entrepreneaurship for people with disabilities
"Forensic Analysis" Thinking: Promoting Equity of Access for All Persons
"Forensic Analysis" Thinking: Promoting Equity of Access for All Persons
A Study of Evidence Based Practice in Health Professional Education: Advantages and Dangers
Aging Farmers with Disabilities: From Ommission to Belonging
Co-Design: A contemporary path to innovation & entrepreneaurship for people with disabilities
The Complete Guide to Moving With a Disability
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Adaptive fashion's inclusivity problem
Social work practice with disability: Resolving the inclusion/exclusion paradox