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AUCD Experts

Kiyoshi Yamaki, PhD

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
Public Health
Public Health
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership


Office Address: Department of Disability and Human Development

College of Applied Health Sciences

University of Illinois at Chicago (M/C 626)

1640 West Roosevelt Road

Chicago, Illinois 60608

[email protected]


Ph.D. Public Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1999.

Dissertation: Employment and income status of adults with developmental disabilities living in the community.

M.S. Rehabilitation Counseling, Department of Rehabilitation Services, Springfield College, Springfield, MA, 1990. Thesis: Community attitudes toward people with mental retardation in Belchartown.

B.A. Comparative Culture, Department of Comparative Culture, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, 1980. Focused area: Comparison of Eastern and Western cultural.


Research Assistant Professor (March 2004 to present). Department of Disability and Human Development, College of Applied Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago.

Project Coordinator (April 2002 to March 2005). State Infrastracture Development Project for Preventing Secondary Conditions (PI: James Rimmer, Ph.D.), Department of Disability and Human Development, University of Illinois at Chicago. Responsible for conducting the population-based telephone survey on the health risks of persons with disabilities in Illinois and the capacity-building with the State Department of Public Health.

Research Data Analyst (April 1999 to March 2002). Center on Epidemiology and Disability (PI: Glenn Fujiura, Ph.D.), Department of Disability and Human Development, University of Illinois at Chicago. Responsible for longitudinal and cross-sectional analyses to profile Americans with a disability using national-level survey data sets, and evaluation of state-based pubic health surveillance data sets to identify the emerging cause of disability.

Visiting Research Specialist (December 1997 to March 1999). Center on Emergent Disability (PI: Glenn Fujiura, Ph.D.), Department of Disability and Human Development, University of Illinois at Chicago. Responsible for data management and secondary analyses of various national-level survey data sets from the U.S. Bureau of Census and the National Center on Health Statistics.

Research Assistant (August 1991 to November 1997). Institute on Disability and Human Development, University of Illinois at Chicago. Responsible for data management and secondary analyses of survey data on income, use of public assistance programs, and disability of Americans.

Vocational Counselor (July 1990 to July 1991). Kanagawa-ken Medical-Welfare Foundation for Children, Yokohama, Japan. Responsible for assessing vocational aptitude, interest, and skills of persons with a disability, supporting them in seeking employment and providing initial on-the-job-training at the work site in the community.

Direct Support Professional (September 1981 to August 1988). Kawasaki Jusan Gakuen, Kawasaki, Japan. Responsible for providing vocational, prevocational and ADL training for residential service uses with mental retardation.


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Rimmer, J. H., & Yamaki, K. (2006). Obesity and intellectual disability. Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev, 12(1), 22-27.

Yamaki, K. (2005). Body weight status among adults with intellectual disability in the community. Mental Retardation, 43, 1-10.

Horner-Johnson, W., Keys, C., Henry, D., Yamaki, K., Oi, F., Watanabe, K., Shimada, H., & Fujimura, I. (2002). Attitudes of Japanese students toward people with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 46, 365-378.

Yamaki, K., & Fujiura, G. (2002). Employment and income status of adults with developmental disabilities living in the community. Mental Retardation, 40, 132-141.

Fujiura, G., & Yamaki, K. (2000). Trends in Demography of Childhood Poverty and Disability. Exceptional Children, 66, 187-199.

Fujiura, G., Yamaki, K., Czechowicz, S. (1998). Disability among ethnic and racial minorities in the United States: A summary of economic status and family structure. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 9(2), 111-130.

Fujiura, G., & Yamaki, K. (1997). An analysis of ethnic variations in developmental disability prevalence and household economic status. Mental Retardation, 35, 286-294.

Invited Article

Yamaki, K. (2001). Differences in employment and income status for persons with mental retardation and persons with other developmental disabilities. ADDVANTAGE, 12(2), p.3, 5. Rehabilitation Reserch and Training Center on Aging with developmental disabilities, University of Illinois at Chicago.

Invited Articles in Japanese

Takeda, N., Suemitsu, S., & Yamaki, K. (2003). Resident’s death in the community-based programs: Policy implications. Support: Journal of the Japanese Association on Intellectual Disability, 50(9), 44-52.

Takeda, N., Suemitsu, S., & Yamaki, K. (2003). Death of the resident in the group home and the grief of family members. Support: Journal of the Japanese Association on Intellectual Disability, 50(7), 40-47.

Takeda, N., Suemitsu, S., & Yamaki, K. (2003). Deinstitutionalization: the United States and the sate of Connetticutt. Support: Journal of the Japanese Association on Intellectual Disability, 50(5), 43-49.

Takeda, N., Yamaki, K., Janicki, M. P., Heller, T., Suemitsu, S., & Egusa, Y. (2003). Policy implications for services to older persons with dementia.in Japan (II). Japanese Journal of Public Health, 67, 556-559.

Takeda, N., Yamaki, K., Janicki, M. P., Heller, T., Suemitsu, S., & Egusa, Y. (2003). Policy implications for services to older persons with dementia in Japan (I). Japanese Journal of Public Health, 67, 465-469.

Takeda, N., Yamaki, K., Janicki, M. P., Heller, T., Suemitsu, S., & Egusa, Y. (2003). Research in developmental disabilities services in the United States (II). Japanese Journal of Public Health, 67, 390-393.

Takeda, N., Yamaki, K., Janicki, M. P., Heller, T., Suemitsu, S., & Egusa, Y. (2003). Research in developmental disabilities services in the United States (I). Japanese Journal of Public Health, 67, 310-313.

Takeda, N., Yamaki, K., Janicki, M. P., Heller, T., Suemitsu, S., & Egusa, Y. (2003). Deinstitutionalization movement across states (II). Japanese Journal of Public Health, 67, 233-236.

Takeda, N., Yamaki, K., Janicki, M. P., Heller, T., Suemitsu, S., & Egusa, Y. (2003). Deinstitutionalization movement across states (I). Japanese Journal of Public Health, 67, 150-154.

Takeda, N., Yamaki, K., Janicki, M. P., Heller, T., Suemitsu, S., & Egusa, Y. (2003). Historical overview of developmental disabilities services in the United States (II). Japanese Journal of Public Health, 67, 68-72.

Takeda, N., Yamaki, K., Janicki, M. P., Heller, T., Suemitsu, S., & Egusa, Y. (2002). Historical overview of developmental disabilities services in the United States (I). Japanese Journal of Public Health, 66, 931-933.

Takeda, N., Yamaki, K., Janicki, M. P., Heller, T., Suemitsu, S., & Egusa, Y. (2002). A junction: developmental disabilities services in the United States and the services to older persons with dementia in Japan (II). Japanese Journal of Public Health, 66, 869-872.

Takeda, N., Yamaki, K., Janicki, M. P., Heller, T., Suemitsu, S., & Egusa, Y. (2002). A junction: developmental disabilities service in the United States and services to older persons with dimential in Japan (I). Japanese Journal of Public Health, 66, 772-776.

Takeda, N., Yamaki, K., & Suemitsu, S. (2002). The light and dark of the policy of deinstitutionalization for persons with developmental disabilities in USA, Part 1: The history of deinstitutionalization and a social support. Kawasaki Medical Welfare Journal, 12, 413-420.

Yamaki, K. (2001). The Importance of empirical research. Hattatsu Kyoiku, 20(3), 32-33. The Association of Remedial Teaching for Mentally Developmental Disorders.

Yamaki, K. (2001). Trends in community based services. Hattatsu Kyoiku, 20(2), 32-33. The Association of Remedial Teaching for Mentally Developmental Disorders.

Yamaki, K. (2001). State institutions for persons with developmental disabilities. Hattatsu Kyoiku, 20(1), 32-33. The Association of Remedial Teaching for Mentally Developmental Disorders.

Yamaki, K. (2000). Supported employment program. Hattatsu Kyoiku, 19(12), 32-33. The Association of Remedial Teaching for Mentally Developmental Disorders.

Yamaki, K. (2000). Service delivery system in the United States. Aigo: the Journal of the Japanese Association of the Care Facilities for People with Intellectual Disabilities, 47, 42-51.

Yamaki, K. (2000). Family support programs. Hattatsu Kyoiku, 19(11), 32-33. The Association of Remedial Teaching for Mentally Developmental Disorders.

Yamaki, K. (2000). After graduating from high school. Hattatsu Kyoiku, 19(10), 32-33. The Association of Remedial Teaching for Mentally Developmental Disorders.

Yamaki, K. (2000). Community residential programs. Hattatsu Kyoiku, 19(9), 32-33. The Association of Remedial Teaching for Mentally Developmental Disorders.

Yamaki, K. (2000). IEP: Individualized Education Program. Hattatsu Kyoiku, 19(8), 32-33. The Association of Remedial Teaching for Mentally Developmental Disorders.

Yamaki, K. (2000). Special education system in the U. S. Hattatsu Kyoiku, 19(7), 32-33. The Association of Remedial Teaching for Mentally Developmental Disorders.

Yamaki, K. (2000). Pension money for persons with disabilities. Hattatsu Kyoiku, 19(6), 32-33. The Association of Remedial Teaching for Mentally Developmental Disorders.

Yamaki, K. (2000). Individualism and services toward persons with disabilities in the U. S. Hattatsu Kyoiku, 19(5), 32-33. The Association of Remedial Teaching for Mentally Developmental Disorders.

Yamaki, K. (2000). Does the U.S. services for persons with mental retardation well ahead of us? Hattatsu Kyoiku, 19(4), 32-33. The Association of Remedial Teaching for Mentally Developmental Disorders.

Yamaki, K. (2000). President Kennedy’s Panel on Mental Retardation. Hattatsu Kyoiku, 19(2), 2. The Association of Remedial Teaching for Mentally Developmental Disorders.

Yamaki, K. (2000). Systems advocacy in America: Part 2. Gekkan Fukushi, 83(3), 74-79. National Social Welfare Council.

Yamaki, K. (2000). Systems advocacy in America: Part 1. Gekkan Fukushi, 83(1), 74-79. National Social Welfare Council.

Yamaki, K. (1995). An overview of social inclusion in the work site in American literature. Japanese Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 17(1), 29-35.

Yamaki, K. (1994). Community participation of persons with disability in America. In the Japanese association for families of persons with mental retardation (Ed.), Kurasu, 98-99.

Yamaki, K. (1993). Persons with mental retardation and self-advocacy movement in America. Fukushi Tenbo, 16(fall), 92-98. Tokyo Metropolitan Social Welfare Council.

Yamaki, K. (1993). The 3rd People First International Conference (2). Tewotsunagu, 452, 46-47. The Japanese association for families of persons with mental retardation.

Yamaki, K. (1993). The 3rd People First International Conference (1). Tewotsunagu, 451, 46-47. The Japanese Association for Families of Persons with mental retardation.

Yamaki, K. (1993, September 7). People First. Shakai Shinpo, p. 3. Japan Socialist Democratic Party.

Yamaki, K. (1993, July 19). People First. Fukusi Shinbun. [Series of seven newspaper articles starting from July 19th issue.]

Yamaki, K. (1993). New AAMR definition on mental retardation. Kazaguruma, 93, 6-7. Kanagawa-ken Medical-Welfare Foundation for Children.

Yamaki, K. (1991). Vocational Rehabilitation in America: overview of supported employment. In Kanagawa-ken Medical-Welfare Foundation (ed.), Ryoiku Giho Manual, 5, 3-12.

Yamaki, K. (1991). Vocational Rehabilitation in America: Supported employment (2). Mindex, 23(2), 18-20.

Yamaki, K. (1991). Vocational Rehabilitation in America: Supported employment (1). Mindex, 23(1), 19-21.

Published Translations

Honninto Shiensha no tameno Kenri Yo-go Gaido Bukku. (2001). Published from the Inclusion Japan, Tokyo, Japan. Served as the chief editor and a translator for the Japanse translation of Consent Handbook for Self-Advocates and Support Staff (American Association on Mental Retardtion, 1999).

Chiteki Shogaisha no Kyojus Sa-bisu. (2000). Published from the Institute for Developmental Research, Aichi, Japan. This monograph is a Japanese translation of the keynote speech, “Residential Services for Persons with Mental Retardation,” by Dr. K. C. Lakin of University of Minnesota on January 27, 2000 at the 7th National Conference on Community Integration by the Japanese Association of the Care Facilities for People with Intellectual Disabilities in Makuhari, Japan.

America deno Chiteki Shogaisha Sa-bisu. (2000). Published from the Institute for Developmental Research, Aichi, Japan. This monograph is the Japanese translation of the chapter “Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities: Historical and Contemporary Perspective” in The State of the States Developmental Disabilities: 5th edition (American Association on Mental Retardation, 1998).

The Results of the Welfare Administration’s 1990 Basic Survey of Adults with Mental Retardation (1992). Published from the Japanese League for the Mentally Retarded, Tokyo, Japan. This is an English translation of the report on the national survey on Japanese persons with mental retardation originally published by the Japanese Minister of Health and Welfare in 1991.

Jyobu kochi Manyuaru (1991). Published from the Kanagawa-ken Medical-Welfare Foundation for Children, Yokohama, Japan. This is a Japanese translation of the monograph, Instructional Guide for Training on a Job Site (Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Supported Employment at Virginia Commonwealth University, 1990).



Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations

Yamaki, K., Rimmer, J., Fujiura, G., Heller, T., & Kramer, J. (2004, November). Body weight status and weight management practices among adults with developmental disabilities in Illinois. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association 132nd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

Yamaki, K. & Ong, C. (2004, September). Preventing chronic health condition: From data to practice. Paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Association on Mental Retardation - Illinois, Naperville, IL.

Yamaki, K. (2003, May). Trend of body weight status among adults with intellectual disability in the community. Paper presented at the 127th Annual Meeting of the American Association on Mental Retardation, Chicago, IL.

Yamaki, K., Rutkowski-Kmitta, V., & Fujiura, G. (2003, March). Emerging etiology of disablement: State and national policy implications. Paper presented at the Changing Concepts of Health and Disability, Bethesda, MD.

Hsieh, K., Yamaki, K., & Heller, T. (2003, March). Prevalence and Trend of Overweight among Aging Asian Americans. Paper presented at the Second Meeting of the International Society for the Study of the Aging Male, Taipei, Republic of China (Taiwan).

Yamaki, K. (2001, November). Employment and income status among adults with developmental disabilities living in the community. Poster presented at the Invitational Research Symposium, Rehabilitation Reserch and Training Center on Aging with Developmental Disabilities, Chicago, IL.

Yamaki, K., Rutkowski-Kmitta, V., & Fujiura, G. (2001, October). Injury as a Cause of Disability: A national-level Longitudinal Analysis. Poster presented at the 129th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Nakagawa, Y., Horie, M., & Yamaki, K. (2001, July). Japanese students with a disability in Chicago. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Japanese Association of Special Education, Tsukuba, Japan.

Yamaki, K. (2001, May). Diversity within the developmetnal disabilities population: Comparision of employment and income status between persons with and without mental retardation. Poster presented at the 125th Annual Meeting of the American Association on Mental Retardation, Denver, CO.

Yamaki, K. (1997, May). Economic self-sufficiency among adults with developmental disabilities: Data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation. Poster session presented at the American Association on Mental Retardation 120th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

Fujiura, G., & Yamaki, K. (1994, May). The demography of family-based care: Prevalence and economic implications for community services. Paper presented at the American Association on Mental Retardation 118th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

Yamaki, K. (1993, November). Supported employment: An employment service for Americans with severe handicaps. Paper presented at the National Symposium conducted by Kanagawa-ken Medical-Welfare Foundation, Yokohama, Japan.

Jackson, R., Yamaki, K., & Reilly, J. (1992, March). Invitation to Illinois Association for Persons in Supported Employment. Paper presented at the Illinois Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Teaching Experience

Academic Course

Introduction to SPSS as a research tool (Spring, 2004). 2-credit introductory course that explores a basic operation of the statistical software.

Invited Guest Lecture

Social and political sturucture of the United States and its service model (2002, October). Invited lecture presented to Seminar on International Perspective in Disability and Welfare Services, Faculty of Health and Welfare Science, Okayama Prefectural University, Okayama, Japan.

Disabilitiy services in the United States (2002, October). Invited lecture presented to Seminar on Disability and Social Service Policy, Faculty of Health and Welfare Science, Okayama Prefectural University, Okayama, Japan.

Employment and income status of Americans with developmental disabilities (1999, September). Invited lecture presented to Interdisciplinary Disability Seminar, Department of Occupational Therapy, College of Applied Health Sceinces, University of Illinois at Chicago.

Grant Awarded

National survey to examine antecedents and consequences of obesity for adolescents with physical and cognitive disabilities. Reseach grant from the National Institutes on Disability and Rehabilitation Research through a center grant “Reducing obesity and obesity-related secondary conditions in adolescents with disabilities (PI: James Rimmer).” PI, October 2006.

Illinois Disability and Chronic Disease Project. Infrastracture development grant from the Illinois Department of Public Health to the Department of Disability and Human Development, University of Illinois at Chicago. PI, July 2005 ($131,250)

Behavioral risk factors and utilization of health care for persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities and their family caregivers (PI: Kueifang Hsieh, Ph.D.). Research grant from the National Institutes on Disability and Rehabilitation Research through Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Aging and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (PI: Tamar Heller, Ph.D.) at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Co-PI, October 2003 ($53,000).

Taking Charge Instructor Training Workshop for Disability Advocates from Japan. Training grant from the Protection and Advocacy Japan, Tokyo, Japan. PI, June 2001 ($8,649).

Protecting the rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. Training Grant from the Soejima Law Office, Tokyo, Japan. PI, September 2000 ($14,612).




Protecting the Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (September 2000). Served as an interpreter/facilitator for the 6-day seminar that involved 12 American presenters and 30 Japanese attendees at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

7th National Conference on Community Integration (January 27, 2000). Served as an interpreter/facilitator for Dr. K.C. Lakin of University of Minnesota, a keynote speaker for the conference held by the Japanese Association of the Care Facilities for People with Intellectual Disabilities in Makuhari, Japan.

Everyone wants to live in the community (January 30, 2000). Served as an interpreter/facilitator for Dr. K.C. Lakin, University of Minnesota, a keynote speaker at a symposium aimed at self-advocates and family members by the Institute for Developmental Research. Osaka, Japan.

Oregon People First Conference (September 1996). Served as in interpreter for six Japanese with mental retardation who attended a statewide annual self-advocacy meeting, Portland, OR.

Supported Life 96 (October, 1996). Served as in interpreter for 40 Japanese professionals, family members, and individuals with disabilities who attended a statewide annual meeting for community integration, Sacrament, CA.

Duskin Tour for people with disabilities (September 1994). Coordinated a tour for twelve Japanese individuals with mental retardation and their support staff to visit best practices in community-based services around Chicago area. Also served as an interpreter for the group.

Illinois People First Conference (September 1994). Served as an interpreter for 12 Japanese consumers and professionals who attended an annual statewide self-advocacy meeting, Schaumburg, IL.

The 3rd National People First Conference (June 1994). Served as an interpreter for 50 Japanese service consumers, family members, and professionals who attended the national self-advocacy meeting, Alexandria, VA.

Duskin Tour for people with disabilities (September 1993). Served as an interpreter for six Japanese individuals with epilepsy who visited best practices in the nation, Seattle, WA; Washington, DC.

The 3rd International People First Conference (July 1993). Served as an interpreter for 70 Japanese service consumers, family members, and professionals who attended the international self-advocacy meeting, Toronto, Canada.

NHK Tour for people with mental retardation (November 1992). Served as in interpreter for six Japanese individuals with mental retardation and their support staff who visited best practices on community-based vocational programs (supported employment), Richmond, VA


Reviewer of manuscripts sumitted to academic journals

European Journal of Cllinical Nutrition (2006, October)

Archives of Medical Research (2005, April).

Mental Retardation (2004, October).

Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities (2004, September).

Reveiwer of abstracts submitted for conference presentation

Annual Meetings of the American Public Health Association, Disabilty Special Interest Group (2004, 2005, 2006)

Reviewer of grant application.

Served as a grant reviewer for Creating satisfying employment outcomes by applying business marketing and sales principles to supported employment (Illinois Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities, RFP# EMP01-95).” October 1995.


Served as a consultant for cross-cultural issues in special education setting as well as an interpreter at an IEP meeting for 5th grade bilingual students with autism (November 1999), and 11th grade bilingual students with speech impairment (February, May, and August 2000, and Feburay 2001).


Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (#24249)

Association Memberships

American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Linked Projects

State Implementation Project for Preventing Secondary Conditions and Promoting the Health of People with Developmental Disabilities
State Implementation Project for Preventing Secondary Conditions and Promoting the Health of People with Developmental Disabilities
Illinois Disability and Chronic Condition Project
Illinois Disability and Chronic Condition Project
State Implementation Project for Preventing Secondary Conditions and Promoting the Health of People with Disabilities

State Implementation Project for Prevention Secondary Conditions and Promoting the Health of People
State Implementation Project for Preventing Secondary Conditions and Promoting the Health of People with Disabilities
Illinois Disability and Health Program H1N1 Vaccine Implementation Plan
Developmental Disabilities Services in Illinois: Workshop for Direct Support Professionals
UIC Obesity Research Project on Prevalence Adaption and Knowledge Translation in Youth Adults
Developmental Disabilities Services in Illinois: Workshop for Direct Support?
Multi-Level Evaluation and Analysis Year 4 Services
Illinois Disability and Health Program H1N1 Vaccine Implementation
UIC Obesity Research Project on Prevalence Adaption and Knowledge Translation in Youth Adults
Developmental Disabilities Services in Illinois: Workshop for Direct Support Professionals
UIC Obesity Research Project on Prevalence Adaption and Knowledge Translation in Youth Adults
Obesity Research Project on Prevalence Adaptations & Knowledge Translations in Youth Adults with Disabilities from Diverse Race/Ethnic Backgrounds
Improving Health Of People With Disabilities Through State Based Public Health Programs
2013 Workshop on Developmental Disabilities Services in Illinois
2012 Workshop on Developmental Disabilities Services in Illinois
2013 Workshop on Developmental Disabilities Services in Illinois
2014 Prevalence Risk Factors and Health Consequences Of Obesity
UIC Collaboration To Improve The Health Of People With Disabilities through State Based Public Health Programs
Improving Health Of People With Disabilities Through State Based Public Health Programs
2014 Workshop on Developmental Disabilities Services in Illinois
2013 Prevalence Risk Factors and Health Consequences Of Obesity
2015 The Shimizu Foundation Workshop on Developmental Disabilities Services in Illinois
Improving the Health of People with Disabilities Through State Based Public Health Programs
2014 Prevalence Risk Factors and Health Consequences Of Obesity
Health and Health Service Utilization of Medicaid Enrollees with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Illinois
2014 Workshop on Developmental Disabilities Services in Illinois
Disability and Health Service Surveillance and Data, Evaluation, and Professional Education Program
2015 The Shimizu Foundation Workshop on Developmental Disabilities Services in Illinois
UIC Obesity Research Project on Prevalence Adaption and Knowledge Translation in Youth Adults
2016 The Shimizu Foundation Workshop on Developmental Disabilities Services in Illinois
Disability and Health Services Surveillance and Data Evaluation and Professional Educational Project
2014 Prevelance, Risk Factors and Health Consequences of Obesity/ Overweight in Adolescents and Young Adults with Disabilities From Diverse Racial and
Health and Health Service Utilization of Medicaid Enrollees with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Illinois
2016 The Shimizu Foundation Workshop on Developmental Disabilities Services in Illinois
Illinois Oral Health Workforce Grant Data and Evaluation Project
ICR Yamaki
2017 Workshop on Developmental Disabilities Services in Illinois
2018 Shimizu Foundation Workshop On Developmental Disabilities Services In Illinois
FY18 Illinois Oral Health Workforce Grant Data and Evaluation Project
Shimizu Foundation Workshop On Developmental Disabilities Services In Illinois
FY19 Illinois Oral Health Workforce Grant Data and Evaluation Project
FY20 Illinois Oral Health Workforce Grant Data and Evaluation Project
Educate Future Healthcare Professionals
Evaluation of the FY2021 Illinois Oral Health WorkIllinois Department of Public Health force Activities
FY21 Illinois Oral Health Workforce Grant Data and Evaluation Project
Educate Future Healthcare Professionals
Patient Instructor Training Program for BIPOC adults with IDD funded by the WITH Foundation
Evaluation of the FY2022 Illinois Oral Health WorkIllinois Department of Public Health force Activities
Title X Family Planning Services Grants
Title X Family Planning Services Grants
Patient Instructor Training Program for BIPOC adults with IDD funded by the WITH Foundation
Evaluation of the FY2022 Illinois Oral Health WorkIllinois Department of Public Health force Activities
Linked Products

Employment and income status of adults with developmental disabilities living in the community
MR/DD services in the United States (1): Modern History
Crosiing point between the MR/DD services in the United States and the aging services in Japan.
MR/DD services in the United States (2): Variation of the services aross states
MR/DD services in the United States (3): Current issues

Adopting the MR/DD service models in the United States to the aging services in Japan
Attitudes of Japanese studnets toward people with Disabilities
Deinstitutionalization movement across states
Historical overview of developmental disabilities services in the United States
Policy Implications for services to older persons with dementia in Japan.
Research in developmental disability services in the United States.
Body weight status among adults with intellectual disability in the community.
Research Brief: Body Weight Status of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Research Brief: Body Weight Status of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
IL Disability and Health Project Web site
Development of IL Disability and Health State Plan
A New Approach to Disability and Health
Arthritis: A Common Secondary Condition among Persons with Disabilities
Health profile of female caregivers supporting adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Persons with Disability can be healthy: A new approach to Disability and Health
IL Disability and Health Data Report: Demographic and Health Profile of Illinoisans With Disabilities 2007-2008
Hand Sanitizer
Poster promoting the use of the people first language
Factsheet about chronic disease
IL Disability and Health Data Brief - prevalence of disability in IL
IL Disability and Health Data Report (FY12 edition)
IL Disability and Health Data Brief 6: Cost as Barrier to Medications Among Illinois Adults With Disability
IL Disability and Health Data Brief 7: Cost as Barrier to Doctor Visit
Availability of State-based Obesity Surveillance Data on High School Students with Disabilities in the United States
Caring for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) an elective course at UIC/COM.