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AUCD Experts

Robin Greenfield, PhD

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Contact Information:
Associate UCEDD Director
Primary Activity Coordinators:
Discipline Coordinators:
Project/Program/Clinic Contacts:
Idaho Project for Children and Youth with Deaf-Blindness
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership
Linked Projects

Idaho Project for Children and Youth with Deaf-Blindness
Idaho Project for Children and Youth with Deaf-Blindness
Idaho Project for Children and Youth with Deaf-Blindness
Professional Development in Low Incidence
Idaho Project for Children and Youth with Deaf-Blindness
Linked Products

ID PCYDB - Webinar Series 2008-09 Archive
ID PCYDB - Webinar Series 2007-08 Archive
ID PCYDB - Transition Portfolios - Monograph
ID PCYDB - Cortical Visual Impairment - Monograph
ID PCYDB - Project Brochure

ID PCYDB e-Brochure - "How to Use Sensory Strategies to Improve Learning for Students with Severe Disabilities - Part I"
ID PCYDB e-Brochure - "Pediatric Seizures and Epilepsy in the Classroom"
ID PCYDB - Story of Marissa - Novella
ID PCYDB - Webinar Series 2009-10 Archive
ID PCYDB - Transition Portfolios - Monograph
ID PCYDB - Cortical Visual Impairment - Monograph
ID PCYDB - Story of Marissa - Novella
ID PCYDB e-Brochure - "Brain Development and Its Implications for Working with Children with Sensory Loss and Multiple Disabilities"
ID PCYDB - Website
ID PCYDB e-Brochure - Calendar Systems for Children with Sensory Loss and Multiple Disabilities
ID PCYDB - Project Brochure
ID PCYDB - Summer Institute Brochure
ID PCYDB e-Brochure - "Literacy for All - All for Literacy: Reading and Writing for Learners with Significant Disabilities"
ID PCYDB - Cortical Visual Impairment - Monograph
ID PCYDB - Fact Sheets
ID PCYDB - Story of Marissa - Novella
ID PCYDB - Project Brochure
ID PCYDB - Transition Portfolios - Monograph
PDLI Webinar e-Brochure - Enough About Me, Let's Talk About You
ID PCYDB - Website
PDLI Webinar e-Brochure - 7 Myths of Autism
PDLI Webinar e-Brochure - What's a Routine and Who Needs One?
ID PCYDB - Summer Institute Brochure
ID PCYDB - Website
ID PCYDB - Transition Portfolios - Monograph
ID PCYDB - Cortical Visual Impairment - Monograph
ID PCYDB - Fact Sheets
ID PCYDB - Project Brochure
ID PCYDB - Story of Marissa - Novella
ID PCYDB Wiki Web Page
ID PCYDB Facebook Page
IT Coop: ABA Module
IT Coop: Learning Theories Module
IT Coop: Habilitative Supports Training
ID PCYDB Greenfield NPDM Conference
ID PCYDB Stress Behavior and Children & Youth Article
ID PCYDB Distance Mentoring Presentation
ID PCYDB - Project Brochure
ID PCYDB - Website (with Montana DB Project)
CORE - HCBS - Choice and Community: Seeking the Voice of Adults with Developmental Disabilities
ID PCYDB - Transition Portfolios - Monograph
ID PCYDB - Cortical Visual Impairment - Monograph
ID PCYDB - Fact Sheets
ID PCYDB - Project Brochure
ID PCYDB - Website
ID PCYDB - Facebook Page
CORE - (AUCD) Voices of Adults with DD: Ensuring Person Centered Policy and Practice
ID PCYDB Wiki Page
ID PCYDB - Facebook Page
ID PCYDB Wiki Page
CORE - Pac Rim Conference - HCBS Presentation
ID PCYDB - AUCD - Distance Mentoring Poster
ID PCYDB - Community Partnerships - Attention Presentation
ID PCYDB - Pac Rim - Attention Presentation
ID PCYDB - Facebook Page
ID PCYDB Wiki Page
IPCYDB - Deaf/Blind Website
ID - PYCDB Video Fact Sheet
ID - PYCDB Podcast Series
ID - PYCDB 2020-21 Monthly Mailer
ID - PYCDB Attention Booklet
ID - PYCDB Communication Booklet
ID - PYCDB 2021-22 Monthly Mailer