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AUCD Experts

Richard Rubin, DDS, MPH

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Contact Information:
Primary Activity Coordinators:
Clinical Services
Pediatric Services
Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness
Community Education Director
Training Director
Distance Learning
Discipline Coordinators:
Dentistry/Pediatric Dentistry
Public Health
Public Health
Education: Administration
Education: General
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

 My main interest is in exploring the interface of public health and oral health, including the evaluation and implementation of new approaches in teaching and learningTeaching techniques of interest  include those based upon active adult-learning models, "learning communities", debates and discussion boards. My specific educational positions include: 

1) Assistant Professor, Department of Dental Public Health, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pittsburgh. Director, Student Community Outreach Program and Education (SCOPE), School of Dental Medicine, University of Pittsburgh. 2) Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh. Research Instructor (secondary position) and dental student coordinator for joint DMD/MPH program, 3) UCLID Core Faculty, Dental Medicine

The SCOPE programs involve dental students' (I-IV) community activities and service, both non-dental and clinical participation, in underserved communities. Among the variety of services, the program helps to provide quality oral health care to underserved populations throughout western Pennsylvania. Other personal service involves the following: Mentor for dental students at Bridging the GAPS summer multi-disciplinary internship program at the University of Pittsburgh. Also on the Advisory Board for the program. Coordinating a Early Head Start early intervention program with Three Rivers American Indian Council ( Early Head Start Program). Also I am on their advisory board. As part of SCOPE II, I am involved in identifying and coordinating University affiliates with dental clinics throughout western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio, especially those involved in Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) in Federally recognized Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA). Key Words: Community service, oral health care, early intervention