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AUCD Experts

Carla Torres, M.Ed.

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
Assistive Technology
Education/Special Education
Assistive Technology
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership
Linked Projects

Guam System for Assistive Technology Project
Guam System for Assistive Technology Project
Get Guam Teleworking - Access to Telework Fund Program
Guam Options for Alternative Loans - Assistive Technology (GOAL-AT)
Get Guam Teleworking - Access to Telework Fund Program
Linked Products

Guam System for Assistive Technology Brochure
GSAT 9th Annual Assistive Technology Fair Booklet
Wheelchair Distribution Ceremony Program
GSAT Brochure
"Ins & Outs of Assistive Technology"

ASL Book Marker
Words With Dignity
The Power of Assistive Technology Bookmarker
GSAT Brochure
GSAT-Ins & Outs of Assistive Technology
GSAT - Words with Dignity Handbook
GSAT - Visitability Brochure
GSAT - GOAL-AT Brochure
GSAT - Get Guam Teleworking Program (GGT)
GSAT - ADA Bookmarker
GSAT - ASL Bookmarker
GSAT - "Get Guam Teleworking Program" Brochure
GSAT - "GOAL-AT" Brochure
GSAT - Words with Dignity Handbook
GSAT - GSAT Brochure
GSAT - Visitability Brochure
GSAT - ADA Bookmarker
GSAT - ASL Bookmarker
GSAT - "Ins & Outs of Assistive Technology" Brochure
GSAT - "GOAL-AT" Brochure
GSAT - "Get Guam Teleworking Program" Brochure
GSAT - GSAT Brochure
GSAT - ASL Bookmarker
GSAT - Visitability Brochure
GSAT - Words with Dignity Handbook
GSAT - "Ins & Outs of Assistive Technology" Brochure
GSAT - ADA Bookmarker
GSAT Website
GSAT - "Get Guam Teleworking Program" Brochure
GSAT - "GOAL-AT" Brochure
GSAT - "Ins & Outs of Assistive Technology" Brochure
GSAT - ADA Bookmarker
GSAT - ASL Bookmarker
GSAT - GSAT Brochure
GSAT - Visitability Brochure
GSAT - Words with Dignity Handbook
GSAT - GSAT Website (www.gsatcedders.org)
GSAT - GSAT Brochure
GSAT - "Get Guam Teleworking Program" Brochure
GSAT - "GOAL-AT" Brochure
GSAT - GSAT 30-second PSA
GSAT - GSAT: Assistive Technology & Educational Success Video
GSAT 2010 - Smart Pen Takes Writing to Another Level
GSAT 2010 - Assistive Tech Built for Reading Disabilities (Intel Reader)
GSAT - GSAT 30-second PSA
GSAT - "Get Guam Teleworking Program" Brochure
GSAT - "GOAL-AT" Brochure
GSAT - GSAT Brochure
GSAT - GSAT Website (www.gsatcedders.org)
GSAT - "Get Guam Teleworking Program" Brochure
GSAT - "GOAL-AT" Brochure
GSAT - GSAT 30-second PSA
GSAT - GSAT Brochure
GSAT - GSAT Website (www.gsatcedders.org)
GSAT - GSAT Website (www.gsatcedders.org)
GSAT - 20 Years in AT, 12-Min VIDEO