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AUCD Experts

Betsey A. Benson, PhD

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Adult Behavior Support Services
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Brief Bio: Ph.D, Northern Illinois University, clinical psychology concentration                  B.A., University of Rochester Key Research Interests 1. Dual Diagnosis (mental retardation and mental illness) in adolescents and adults 2. Aggression, social cognitive variables, and anger management training 3. Mood disorders 4. Integration of behavioral and psychiatric interventions Activities · Core faculty, Coordinating Center of Excellence in Dual Diagnosis (MI/MRDD), state of Ohio Initiative by Dept. of MR/DD, Dept. of MH, and Developmental Disabilities Council · Director, Nisonger Center Adult Behavior Support Services Program,  a contract with the Franklin County Board of MR/DD, assistantships available for graduate students in this program · Co-author with Michael Aman, Project Med series for consumers (see Michael Aman listing) · Past President, Ohio Chapter of AAMR · Fellow, American Association on Mental Retardation · Past Member, Board of Directors, National Association for Dual Diagnosis · Participant, Psychosocial survey, in Expert Consensus Guidelines for the treatment of psychiatric and behavioral problems in mental retardation · Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research · Editorial Board, Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities · Editorial Board, Developmental Disabilities Bulletin Publications with Graduate Students: Esbensen, A., & Benson, B. A.  (in press).  An evaluation of Beck’s cognitive theory of depression in adults with intellectual disability.  Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 50. Benson, B. A., & Havercamp, S.  (in press).  Behavioural approaches to treatment:  Principles and practices.  In N. Bouras and G. Holt (Eds.), Psychiatric and behavioural disorders in developmental disabilities. (2nd edition).  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press. Esbensen, A. J., & Benson, B. A.  (2006).  Diathesis-stress and depressed mood among adults with mental retardation.  American Journal on Mental Retardation, 111, 100-112. Esbensen, A., & Benson, B. A.  (2006).  A prospective analysis of life events, problem behaviours and depression in adults with intellectual disability.  Journal of Intellectual  Disability Research, 50, 248-258. Esbensen, A., & Benson, B. A.  (2005).  Cognitive variables and depressed mood in adults with intellectual disability.  Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49, 481-489. Esbensen, A. J., Seltzer, M. M., Greenberg, J. S., & Benson, B. A.  (2005).  Psychometric evaluation of a self-report measure of depression for individuals with mental retardation.  American Journal on Mental Retardation, 110, 469-481. Esbensen, A. J., & Benson, B. A. (2003).  Integrating behavioral, psychological and pharmacological treatment:  A case study of an individual with borderline personality disorder and mental retardation.  Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities, 6, 107-113. Lunsky, Y., Emery, C., & Benson, B. A.  (2002).  Staff and self-reports of health behaviours, somatic complaints, and medications among adults with mild intellectual disability.  Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 27, 125-135. Lunsky, Y., & Benson, B. A.  (2001).  Association between perceived social support and strain, and positive and negative outcome for adults with mild intellectual disability.  Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 45, 1-9.  Lunsky, Y., & Benson, B. A.  (2001).  Perceived support and mental retardation: A social-cognitive approach.  Cognitive Therapy and Research. 25, 77-90. Lunsky, Y., & Benson, B. A.  (2000).  Are anatomically detailed dolls and drawings appropriate tools for use with adults with developmental disabilities?  A preliminary investigation.  Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 7(1), 66-76. Benson, B. A., & Havercamp, S.  (1999).  Behavioural approaches to treatment:  Principles and practices.  In N. Bouras, (Ed.), Psychiatric and behavioural disorders in developmental disabilities and mental retardation (pp. 262-278).  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press.  Lunsky, Y., & Benson, B. A.  (1999).  The social circles of adults with mental retardation as viewed by their caregivers.  Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 11, 115-129. Lunsky, Y., & Benson, B. A.  (1997).  Reliability of ratings of consumers with mental retardation and their staff on multiple measures of social support.   American Journal on Mental Retardation, 102, 280-284.   Other Recent Publications Benson, B. A.  (2005).  Mental health.  In W. Nehring (Ed.), Health promotion for persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities:  The state of scientific evidence (pp. 73-86).  Washington, D.C.:  American Association on Mental Retardation. Benson, B. A. (2004).  Psychological interventions for people with intellectual disability and mental health problems.  Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 17, 353-357. Benson, B. A. (2002).  Feeling, thinking, and doing: Reducing aggression through skill development.  In W. I. Gardner (Ed.), Aggression and other disruptive behavioral challenges:  Biomedical and psychosocial assessment and treatment (pp. 293-324).  Kingston, NY:  NADD. Walz, N. C., & Benson, B. A.  (2002).  Behavioral phenotypes in children with Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, or Angelman syndrome.  Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 14, 307-321. Benson, B. A., & Valenti-Hein, D.  (2001).  Cognitive and social learning treatments.  In A. Dosen and K. Day (Eds.), Treating mental illness and behavior disorders in children and adults with mentally retardation  (pp. 101-118).  Washington, D.C.:  American Psychiatric Press.

Dr. Benson heads Nisonger Center's Behavior Support Program, and has more than 20 years clinical experience working with people with mental retardation and mental illness.