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AUCD Experts

Matthew Janicki, PhD

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
AUCD Council Membership:

American International College: BA, 1967, Psychology

SUNY/Albany: MA, 1969, Rehabilitation Counseling

SUNY/Buffalo: PhD, 1974, in Rehabilitation Psychology

Positions and Employment

1972-1973 Psychologist, Niagara Falls (NY), CMHC

1973-1977 Team Leader/Psychologist, Eleanor Roosevelt Developmental Servs (Schenectady/Troy, NY)

1977-1978 Coordinator/Program, Technical Assistance Unit, NYS OMH/OMR (Albany, NY)

1978-1987 Director, Bureau of Program Research & Planning, NYS OMRDD (Albany, NY)

1986-1987 Public Policy Leadership Fellow, U.S. Senate/Subcommittee on the Handicapped (Washington, D.C.) and Guest Worker, National Institute on Aging (Bethesda, MD)

1987-1999 Director, Bureau of Aging Services and Special Populations, NYS OMRDD (Albany, NY)

1993-1999 Director, Center for Aging Studies, NYS Institute for Basic Research (Staten Island, NY)

1999-present Assoc Director for Technical Assistance, UIC RRTC on Aging w/MR (Chicago, IL)

2000-present Research Professor, Rockefeller School of Public Policy, University at Albany (Albany, NY)

Other Experience and Professional Memberships

Professional activities

Editor (Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities); Consulting Editor (American Journal of Mental Retardation, Mental Retardation); Journal Reviewer: (Applied Research in Mental Retardation, Canadian Journal on Aging, The Gerontologist, Journal of Gerontology, Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities; Journal of Practical Approaches to Developmental Handicap)

B. Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order).

(Publications selected from peer-reviewed publications)

Selected aging publications

•1. Janicki, M.P., Dalton, A.J., Henderson, C.M., & Davidson, P.W. (1999). Mortality and morbidity among older adults with intellectual disability: Health services considerations. Disability and Rehabilitation, 21, 284-294.

•2. Janicki, M.P. & Dalton, A.J., (2000). Prevalence of dementia and impact on intellectual disability services. Mental Retardation, 38, 277-289.

•3. Janicki, M.P., McCallion, P., Grant-Griffin, L., & Kolomer, S.R., (2000). Grandparent Caregivers I: Service needs and service provision issues. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 33(3), 50-62.

•4. McCallion, P., Janicki, M.P., Grant-Griffin, L., & Kolomer, S.R., (2000). Grandparent Caregivers II: Service needs and service provision issues. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 33(3), 63-90.

•5. Janicki, M.P. (2001). Toward a rationale strategy for promoting healthy ageing amongst people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 14, 171-174.

•6. Thorpe, L., Davidson, P., & Janicki, M. (2001) Healthy ageing - adults with intellectual disabilities: Biobehavioral issues. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 14, 218-228.

•7. Hogg, J., Lucchino, R., Wang, K.Y., & Janicki, M. (2001). Healthy ageing - adults with intellectual disabilities: Ageing and social policy. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 14, 229-255.

•8. Janicki, M.P., McCallion, P., & Dalton, A. (2002). Dementia-related care decision-making in group homes for persons with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 38 (1/2/),179-195.

•9. Janicki, M.P., Henderson, C.M., Davidson, P.W., McCallion, P. Taets, J.D., Force, L., Sulkes, S.B., Frangenberg, E., & Ladrigan, P.M. (2002). Health characteristics and health services utilization in older adults with intellectual disabilities living in community residences. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 46(4), 287-298.

•10. Davidson, P.W., Janicki, M.P., Ladrigan,P., Houser, K., Henderson, C.M., & Cain, N.N. (In press). Associations between behavior problems and health status in older adults with intellectual disability. Aging and Mental Health.

•11. Wilkinson, H.A., & Janicki, M.P. (2002). The Edinburgh principles with accompanying guidelines and recommendations. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 46, 279-284.

Editor of special journal issues

•1. Janicki, M.P. (Ed.). Symposium: Aging and Mental Retardation. Mental Retardation, 1988, 26(4), 177-213.

•2. Janicki, M.P. & Hogg, J.H. (Eds.). International Research Perspectives on Aging and Mental Retardation. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 1989, 12(4/5), 161-335.

•3. Janicki, M.P. & Deb, S. (Eds.). Special Issue on Aging. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 1994, 38, 229-380.

•4. Moss, S. & Janicki, M.P. (Eds). Special Issues on Research Related to Aging. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability, 1997, 10(4), 277-344.

•5. Janicki, M.P. (Ed). Special Issues on Research Related to Aging. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 1998, 23(1).

•6. Janicki, M.P., & McCallion, P. (In press). Special Issues on Research in Aging and Disability. Journal of Gerontological Social Work.


•1. Janicki, M.P. & Wisniewski, H.W. (Eds.). Aging and developmental disabilities: Issues and approaches (410pp.). Baltimore: Brookes Publishing, 1985.

•2. Janicki, M.P., Krauss, M.W., & Seltzer, M.M. (Eds.). Community residences for persons with developmental disabilities: Here to Stay (430 pp.). Baltimore: Brookes Publishing, 1987.

•3. Seltzer, M.M., Krauss, M.W. & Janicki, M.P. (Eds.) Lifecourse perspectives on adulthood and old age. American Association on Mental Retardation, 1995.

•4. Janicki, M.P. & Dalton, A.J. (Eds.) . Dementia aging, and intellectual disabilities: a handbook. Philadelphia:Taylor and Francis, 1999.

•5. Janicki, M.P. & Ansello, E. (Eds.). Community supports for aging adults with lifelong disabilities (589pp). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes, 2000.

•6. Prasher, V.P., & Janicki, M.P. (Eds.). Physical health and adults with intellectual disabilities (286pp). Blackwell Publishing, 2002.

•7. Davidson, P.W., Prasher, V.P., & Janicki, M.P. (Eds). Mental health, intellectual disabilities, and the aging process. Blackwell Publishing, 2002.

Selected book chapters

•1. Janicki, M.P., Knox, L.A., & Jacobson, J.W. Planning for an older developmentally disabled population. In M.P. Janicki and H.M. Wisniewski (Eds.), Aging and Developmental Disabilities: Issues and Approaches. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes, 1985.

•2. Janicki, M.P., Otis, J.P., Puccio, P.S., Rettig, J., and Jacobson, J.W. Service needs among older developmentally disabled persons. In M.P. Janicki & H.M. Wisniewski (Eds.), Aging and Developmental Disabilities: Issues and Approaches. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes, 1985.

•3. Janicki, M.P. (1988). The changing nature of the population of individuals with mental retardation: Historical artifacts and future trends. In J.E. Kavanagh (Ed.), Understanding Mental Retardation: Research Accomplishments and New Frontiers. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

•4. Janicki, M.P. (1990). Growing old with dignity: On the quality of life for older persons with a lifelong disability. In R.L. Schalock (ed.), Quality of Life: Perspectives and Issues. Washington: American Association on Mental Retardation.

•5. Janicki, M.P. & Dalton, A.J. (1999). Current practice in the assessment and care of persons with intellectual disabilities and dementia. In N. Bouras (Ed.), Psychiatric and Behavioural Disorders in Developmental Disabilities and Mental Retardation (pp. 121- 153). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

•6. Janicki, M.P. (1999). Public policy and service design. In S.S. Herr & G. Weber (eds.), Aging, Rights and Quality of Life: Prospects for Older People with Developmental Disabilities (pp. 289-310). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

•7. Janicki, M.P., McCallion, P., & Dalton, A.J. (2000). Supporting people with dementia in community settings. In Janicki, M.P. & Ansello, E. (Eds.). Community Supports for Aging Adults with Lifelong Disabilities (pp. 381-406). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.
