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AUCD Experts

Laura M. Robinson, MPH

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Contact Information:
Primary Activity Coordinators:
Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness
Discipline Coordinators:
Public Health
AUCD Council Membership:
Multicultural Council

 Laura M. Robinson, MPH


Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities

University of Rochester Medical Center

601 Elmwood Ave. Box 671

Rochester, NY 14642

Phone:         585-275-6604

Fax:             585-275-3366

Email:          [email protected]

With over twenty years experience in the field of developmental disabilities, Laura M. Robinson, MPH, joined the Program in Aging and Developmental Disabilities (PADD) team at Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) in 2004.  Laura's background includes direct care, staff training, program management, and program development.  Having completed her Master in Public Health from the University Of Rochester School Of Medicine And Dentistry, Laura's focus is in research with special interests in the health status of adults with developmental disabilities and cultural diversity.


Public Health

Professional Areas of Interest and Expertise:

Health Outcomes, Program Evaluation, Caregiving, Staff Training


Health Outcomes in Adults with Developmental Disabilities; Care Coordination


Public Health


Aging and Developmental Disabilities



INSTITUTION                                              DEGREE      YEAR(s)     FIELD OF STUDY

University of Rochester, Rochester, NY        B.A.           1992         Health & Society

University of Rochester

School of Medicine and Dentistry

Rochester, NY                                           M.P.H.       2004         Public Health

Positions and Employment

  • 9/91-5/92:  Community Integration Specialist, Rochester Rehabilitation Center, Rochester, NY
  • 2/93-9/96:  Residential Habilitation Counselor, Arc of Monroe County, Rochester, NY
  • 8/95-8/2001: Residential Manager, LDA Life & Learning Services, Rochester, NY
  • 9/01-12/05: Director, Developmental Disabilities Education Network, Rochester, NY
  • 11/04-Present: Senior Health Project Coordinator, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY

Other Experience and Professional Memberships

  • 2002-Present: Trainer, National Coalition Building Institute, Rochester Chapter.
  • 2004-Present: Investigator, Health Outcomes in Older Adults with Developmental Disabilities (National Center for Research Resources, NIH Grant 5MO1 RR00044)

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications (in chronological order)

Davidson PW, Henderson CM, Janicki MP, Robinson LM, Bishop KM, Wells A, Garroway J, Wexler O. (2008).  Ascertaining health-related information on adults with intellectual disabilities: Development and field testing of the Rochester Health Status Survey. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 5(1), 12-23.

Henderson CM, Robinson LM, Davidson PW, Haveman M, Janicki MP, and Albertini G. (2008). Overweight status, obesity and risk factors for coronary heart disease in adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 5(3), 174-177.

Henderson CM, Acquilano JP, Meccarello JC, Davidson PW, Robinson LM, Janicki MP. (2009). Health status and activities of daily living and walking in older people with intellectual disabilities Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 6(4), 282-286.

Henderson CM, Rosasco M, Robinson LM, Meccarello J, Janicki MP, Turk M, Davidson PW. (2009) Functional Impairment Severity as Determinant of Health Status among Older Persons with Intellectual Disability and Cerebral Palsy. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 53(11), 887-897.

Robinson LM, Davidson PW, Henderson CM, Janicki MP, Merrick J, Morad M, Wang L, Hsieh K, Bishop KM, Wexler O. (2010) Health trends from an international sample of older adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. International Journal of Disability and Human Development, 9(4), 329-338.

Robinson, LM, Dauenhauer, J, Bishop, KM, Baxter, J. (2011) Growing Health Disparities For Persons Who Are Aging with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: The Social Work Lynchpin. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, in press.

My career in the IDD field began in 1991. As a volunteer for Discovery Day Care, an integrated day care run through the Al Sigl Center, I loved playing with the children with Down syndrome. I volunteered there throughout my junior and senior years of college, in addition to volunteering for Special Olympics, UCP, and a host of other agencies. In my senior year I had an internship at Rochester Rehabilitation Center where I was a job coach for individuals who had experienced a traumatic brain injury and needed assistance re-entering the workforce. Upon graduation from the University of Rochester, I was hired by the Arc of Monroe County to assist individuals with IDD living in community residences in learning their activities of daily living. At the Learning Disabilities Association, I was able to take a larger role in providing care to this historically underserved population; from training new staff, finding funding for home improvements, and opening two new homes, yet I still wanted to do more.
Linked Projects

Program in Aging and Developmental Disabilities
Program in Aging and Developmental Disabilities
Program in Aging and Developmental Disabilities
Program in Aging and Developmental Disabilities (PADD)
Linked Products

Understanding Aging & Developmental Disabilities Part 1: Manual Only
Understanding Aging & Developmental Disabilities: Support Materials
Understanding Aging & Developmental Disabilities Part 1 - CD-ROM
Understanding Aging & Developmental Disabilities: Part 2 with CD-ROM
Caretaker's Guide to Aging and Dementia

Rochester Clinical Assessment Training - Manual only
Rochester Clinical Assessment Training with CD-ROM
Rochester Clinical Assessment Training with CD-ROM
Caretaker's Guide to Aging and Dementia
RCA Training - Manual only
RCA Training with CD-ROM
Aging & DD Part 1 - CD-ROM
Aging & DD Part 1: Manual Only
Aging & DD: Part 2 with CD-ROM
Aging & DD: Support Materials
Rochester Environmental and Sensory Processing Awareness (RESPA) Checklist - Individual
Rochester Environmental and Sensory Processing Awareness (RESPA) Checklist - Residential
Rochester Environmental and Sensory Processing Awareness (RESPA) Checklist - Day Program
Aging & DD Part 1 - CD-ROM
Aging & DD Part 1: Manual Only
Aging & DD: Part 2 with CD-ROM
Aging & DD: Support Materials
Caretaker's Guide to Aging and Dementia
RCA Training - Manual only
RCA Training with CD-ROM
RESPA Checklists and Manual
Services Directory for Aging and IDD in Monroe County
Aging & DD Part 1 - CD-ROM
Aging & DD Part 1: Manual Only
Aging & DD: Part 2 with CD-ROM
Aging & DD: Support Materials
Caretaker's Guide to Aging and Dementia
RESPA Checklists and Manual
Rochester Clinical Assessment Training with CD-ROM
Understanding Aging & DD - Part I: Manual and CD
Understanding Aging & DD - Part II: Manual and CD
Understanding Aging & DD: Support Materials
Caretaker's Guide to Aging and Dementia
Rochester Clinical Assessment Training with CD
Rochester Environmental and Sensory Processing Awareness (RESPA) Checklists & Guide with CD
PADD List Serv 'Resources' Emails
Life Course Health Patterns and Health Care Utilization among Adolescents and Adults with Spina Bifida
Growing Health Disparities For Persons Who Are Aging with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: The Social Work Linchpin
Caretaker's Guide to Aging and Dementia
Rochester Clinical Assessment Training with CD
Rochester Environmental and Sensory Processing Awareness (RESPA) Checklists & Guide with CD
Understanding Aging & DD - Part I: Manual and CD
Understanding Aging & DD - Part II: Manual and CD
Understanding Aging & DD: Support Materials
Understanding Aging & DD - Part I: Manual and CD
Understanding Aging & DD - Part II: Manual and CD
Understanding Aging & DD: Support Materials
Caretaker's Guide to Aging and Dementia
Rochester Clinical Assessment Training with CD
Rochester Environmental and Sensory Processing Awareness (RESPA) Checklists & Guide with CD
Health Outcomes in Adults with Prader Willi Syndrome
Life Course Health Patterns and Health Care Utilization among Adolescents and Adults with Spina Bifida: Preliminary Findings
Heath Outcomes in Adults with Down syndrome