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AUCD Experts

Jane Case-Smith, PhD

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Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy
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NAME Case-Smith, Jane POSITION TITLE Professor and Director Division of Occupational Therapy   Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI B.A. 1975 Psychology Western Michigan, Kalamazoo, MI MOT 1978 Occupational Therapy University of Georgia at Athens Ed.D. 1985 Curriculum & Supervision         •A.      Positions and Honors. Employment 1985 - 1989         Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy Department, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA 1989 - 1992         Chief, Occupational Therapy, Nisonger Center, UAP, The Ohio State University 1990 - 1996         Assistant Professor, Division of Occupational Therapy, School of Allied Medical Professions, The Ohio State University 1996 - 2002         Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Division of Occupational Therapy. School of Allied Medical Professions, The Ohio State University 2002 - present          Professor, Director, Occupational Therapy Division, Director of Graduate Studies, School of Allied Medical Professions, The Ohio State University Most Recent Honors 2001                Invited key note address, Australian Occupational Therapy Association, Sydney, Australia 2001                Outstanding Service Award, School of Allied Medical Professions 2001                A. Jean Ayres Research Award, The American Occupational Therapy Association 2003                Virginia Scardina Lectureship Award, Ohio Occupational Therapy Association, Akron, Ohio 2004                Invited key note address, Northern UK Pediatric Occupational Therapy Association, Belfast Ireland            2006                Caroline Thompson Memorial Lecture Award at the University of Wisconsin, Madison •B.                 Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications (in chronological order). Case-Smith, J. (2000).  Effects of occupational therapy services on fine motor and functional performance in preschool children.  American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 54, 372-380 Case-Smith, J. (2001) (Ed.)  Occupational Therapy for Children, (4th Ed.), St. Louis:  Mosby Case-Smith, J. (2002).  The effects of occupational therapy services on handwriting.  American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 56, 17-25 Rogers, J. & Case-Smith, J. (2002).  The relationships among fine motor handwriting and keyboarding performance in sixth grade students.  American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 56, 34-39 Case-Smith, J. (2003).  Outcomes in hand rehabilitation using occupational therapy services.  American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 57, 499-506. Powell, C.A. & Case-Smith, J. (2003).  Information literacy skills of occupational therapy graduates:  A survey of learning outcomes.  Journal of Medical Libraries Association. 91, (4), 468-477.  Case-Smith, J. (2004).  Evidence-based practice in autism.  In H. Miller-Kuhaneck (ed).  Autism:  A comprehensive occupational therapy approach.  Bethesda:  American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. Barnes, K., & Case-Smith, J. (2004).  Activities of daily living with children with developmental disabilities.  In C. Christensen & Matuska, K.M. (Ed.)  Ways of living (3rd Ed.)  Bethesda:  American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. Case-Smith, J. (2004). Parents of children with medical conditions and developmental disabilities.  American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58, 551-560. Case-Smith, J (2005).  Occupational therapy for children (5th ed).  St. Louis, MO:  Mosby/Elsevier  Case-Smith, J & Ratliff-Schaub, K (in press).  Other sensory problems.  In W.B. Carey, A.C. Crocker, W.L. Coleman, H.M. Feldman, & E.R. Elias (eds).  Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics (4th Ed).Philadelphia:  Saunders/Elsevier Science Case-Smith, J. (2005).  Development of hand skills: 0-2 years.  In C. Pehoski & A. Henderson (Eds.)  Development of hand skills in the child - 2nd Ed. St. Louis:  Mosby/Elsevier Case-Smith, J. (2005).  Efficacy of interventions to promote hand skills.  In C. Pehoski & A. Henderson (Eds.) Development of hand skills in the child - 2nd Ed.  St. Louis:  Mosby/Elsevier. Case-Smith, J. (2005).  Client centered evaluation.  In J. Hinojosa, P. Kramer, &  P. Crist. (Ed.) Evaluation in occupational therapy, 2nd Ed.  Bethesda:  AOTA, Inc. Hall, L., & Case-Smith, J. (in press).  The effect of sound based treatment on children with sensory processing deficits and visual motor delays. American Journal of Occupational Therapy Case-Smith, J. & Miller, H. (in press)  Play preferences in young children.  Occupational   Therapy Journal of Research Case-Smith, J., Sainato, D., Deubler, D., McQuaid, J., Gottesman, M.M., & Taber, M.(in press) IMPACTS Project:  Preparing therapists to provide best practice early intervention services. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics.  Archer, L, & Case-Smith. (submitted).  School-based occupational therapy service delivery to children with emotional disturbances.  Physical and Occupational therapy in Pediatrics. Case-Smith, J. & Powell, C. (in revision).  Research literature in occupational therapy, 2001- 2005.  American Journal of Occupational Therapy   C. Research Support. Competed Research Support  Grant # (Case-Smith)  3/99-8/00 American Occupational Therapy Foundation Effectiveness of School-based Occupational Therapy intervention on handwriting    This study investigated the effectiveness of occupational therapy services on handwriting legibility in 4-6 grade students. Role: Principal Investigator Grant # (Case-Smith)   9/00-12/01 Ohio OT/PT/AT Licensure Board Clinical Outcomes of Occupational Therapy This goal of this study examined the effectiveness of occupational therapy services with clients who had CVA's and hand injuries.  Role:  Principal Investigator HRSA Grant # D37HP00861(Case-Smith)   7/02-6/06 Department of Health and Human Services, Allied Health Grant Program Models that Link Practice, Education and Research to Increase Preventive and Evidence Based Practice This goal of this study is to develop curricula, web-based models, and regional conferences on prevention and evidence based practice models for allied medical professionals.  Role: Principal Investigator Grant # # H325A010114(Case-Smith)   9/01- 8/06 U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services IMPACTS:  Interdisciplinary Models of Parent and Child Therapeutic Services This goal of this study is to prepare graduate students in occupational and physical therapy, nursing, special education, and speech pathology to provide best practice services to infants and their families... Role: Principal Investigator
Through the LEND program, I provide occupational therapy evaluation services in the Nisonger Center Family Directed Clinic, which is a diagnostic clinic for young children. Recommendations for the team that serves this clinic are family and child focused. I provide professional services through School, College and University committee membership. I chair an ad hoc committee on outcomes for the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) (2007). I am the author/editor for the AOTA Autism Evidence Based Practice project (2007).
Linked Projects

LEND- IES/Special Education grant- Write Start: Development of an Integrated Occupational Therapy Writing Intervention
LEND- Multisite Trial of Constraint Induced Movement Therapy for Children with Cerebral Palsy
Linked Products

LEND: Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Children 5th edition
LEND: School based occupational therapy
LEND An overview of occupational therapy for children
LEND Contextual evaluation to support participation
LEND: Development of childhood occupations