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AUCD Experts

Wilbert Francis, MBA

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
Specialty Resource Contacts:
Post Secondary Education
Project/Program/Clinic Contacts:
Open the Doors to College,
Community Colleges and Developmental Disabilities,
California Consortium on Postsecondary Education
Education: General
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

Professional Experience:

Assistant Director, VITRAID                                                                                                                       

Virgin Islands Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities                 

University of the Virgin Islands                                                                                            

#2 John Brewer's Bay, St. Thomas V.I. 00802-9990

  Wrote state plans in compliance with Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration (DOE- RSA) on mission, goals and objectives for the Virgin Islands.

   Assisted the Executive Director in communicating to staff the mandates of the law under ADA and other disability legislation, as well as, write reports as to progress in achieving goals and objectives of grants (state plans) under HHS grants and ADD supervision.

Collected data provided by staff and others for inclusion in grant status reporting from the Program Coordinator and other staff members.

Communicated to stakeholders (advisory council members, government and non-government organizations) the relevance and importance of all requirements under ADD and DOE-RSA grants and state plans

Evaluated and provided feedback on all progress on grants and state plans to the Executive Director and federal government.

Assistant Director, VIUCEDD                                                                                                   

Virgin Islands University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities                                 

University of the Virgin Islands                                                                                                             

#2 John Brewer's Bay, St. Thomas V.I. 00802-9990

Wrote grant objectives in compliance with HHS, Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) mission, goals and objectives for the Virgin Islands; assembled and led a team to complete the tasks from inception to submission to HHS, ADD.

Provided strategic vision and guidance to VIUCEDD, working closely with key constituencies to ensure that the organization operated responsively to the needs persons with disabilities across a wide range consumer needs.

Drafted, wrote and submitted Quarterly and Annual Reports to HHS, Administration on Developmental Disabilities, as well as bore responsibility for electronic data submission via National Network Reporting Systems.  Led the team of staff to complete reports on Quarterly progress for the Provost' Component portions of the University Board of Trustees' Report. 

Chaired planning meetings, coordinated and led implementation of Annual Sensitivity and Awareness Advocacy Conferences attended by Senators, the Virgin Islands Delegate to Congress and Gubernatorial Candidates held for individuals with Disabilities; consisting of various collaborating disabilities-related agencies in the Territory.

Assembled and directed the teams of professionals who served as facilitators to research and recommend appropriate actions or interpretation of issues that impact Health/Mental Health, Special Education, Transportation and Employment working through public health organizations, government and non-profit organizations to serve as technical expert advisors to the Senators, the Delegate and the Governor's Office. 

Collaborated with Cornell University, Temple University, Maine's University Centers for Excellence, as well as, with local government and non-government organizations to improve delivery of services, dissemination of information and to create win-win scenarios through the inclusion of persons with disabilities in community living education and employment settings.  Provided information for enhanced and improved transportation, health and mental services, as well.

 Delivered legislative testimony and represented management at technical meetings and in dealing with other disability organizations, public and private agencies, as well as the academic community.

Program Coordinator, VIUCEDD                                                                                       

Virgin Islands University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities                                 

University of the Virgin Islands                                                                                                             

#2 John Brewer's Bay, St. Thomas V.I. 00802-9990

•·         Planned, coordinated and facilitated training to public schools administrators and faculty on implementing programs focusing on positive behavioral supports and creating inclusive environments.

•·         Provided training and technical assistance to public school administrators and faculty on implementing inclusive education.

•·         Provided training and technical assistance to public schools implementing inclusive education.

•·         Planned, coordinated and facilitated training to public schools implementing programs focusing on positive behavioral supports and creating inclusive environments.

•·         Developed schedule of activities and carried out implementation aspects of grants in accordance with federal guidelines.

•·         Provided academic advisement to students enrolled in Inclusionary Early Childhood courses.

•·         Collaborated with the Division of Education at the University to schedule courses in Inclusive Early Childhood Education.

•·         Developed Memoranda of Agreement to provide funding for instruction of Inclusionary Early Childhood Education to fulfill regulations under Child Care Regulatory requirements.

•·         Planned, coordinated conferences, seminars, workshops and training as in-service training for faculty and staff of VI Public schools.

Assistive Technology Specialist, VIUCEDD                                                                    

Virgin Islands University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities                                 

University of the Virgin Islands                                                                                                              

#2 John Brewer's Bay, St. Thomas V.I. 00802-9990


•·         Planned, coordinated and facilitated training to public schools administrators and faculty on implementing strategies focusing on Assistive Technology (AT) supports and creating inclusive environments.

•·         Conducted Sensitivity and Awareness training to a wide range of audiences, including graduate and undergraduate students at the University across interdisciplinary boundaries designed to increase awareness on Disabilities, Disability Rights Laws, Accommodations, and strategies to enable success for individuals with Disabilities.

•·         Provided Technical Assistance and Training to Teachers grades K-12 on the implications of Assistive Technologies in and outside the classroom and the impact of (AT) on increasing the functional capabilities of those with Disabilities.

•·         Authored Quarterly "Tech Connect" Magazines featuring topics of interest on Disabilities and the Assistive Technology devices that may be used based on the disability type.

•·         Produced a comprehensive Directory on Services that may be accessed by individuals with Disabilities and others with Special Needs.

•·         Conducted numerous AT specific awareness trainings and workshops for professionals in Education, Faith Based venues and Health Services arenas.


Masters Degree, Business Administration

University of the Virgin Islands

# 2 John Brewer's Bay, St. Thomas U.S.V.I. (1999)

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Management

     University of the Virgin Islands

# 2 John Brewer's Bay, St. Thomas U.S.V.I. (1997)

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