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AUCD Experts

Rae Sonnenmeier, Ph.D.

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
Speech-Language Pathology
Education: Early Intervention/Early Childhood
Speech-Language Pathology
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

Rae M. Sonnenmeier, Ph.D., is a Clinical Associate Professor with the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire. Her clincal work and teaching focuses on understanding the communication patterns of young children woth language delays or disorders, early identification of young children at-risk for an autism spectrum disorder or other developmental delays, the design of technologies and other supports for communication to support students' learning of the general education curriculum. She teaches courses on early childfood language disorders, principles of assessment, augmentative communication, interprofessional educatioin and practice,and leadership in the field of developmental disabilities. 
