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AUCD Experts

Chris Opsal

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Education: Administration
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Linked Products

NCSET - Never too late: Approaches to reading instruction for secondary students with disabilities
NCSET - Introducing the NLTS2
NCSET - Self-determination: Supporting successful transition
NCSET - Improving word identification skills using Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) strategies
NCSET - Tapping employment opportunities for your with disabilities by engaging effectively with employers

NCSET - Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR): Improving secondary students' reading comprehension skills
NCSET - Accommodations for students with disabilities in high school
NCSET - Students with disabilities who drop out of school: Implications for policy and practice
NCSET - Connecting employers, schools, and youth through intermediaries
NCSET - Creating mentoring opportunities for youth with disabilities: Issues and suggested strategies
NCSET - Supporting youth with disabilities to access and succeed in postsecondary education: Essentials for educators in secondary schools
NCSET - Challenges in coordinating related services and supports in secondary and postsecondary educational settings
NCSET - What Works Transition Research Synthesis Project
NCSET - Providing a quality accommodated experience in preparation for and during postsecondary school
NCSET - Bridging the digital divide in post-secondary education: Technology access for youth with disabilities
NCSET - Universal Design for Learning: A strategy to support students' access to the general education curriculum
NCSET - Integrating service systems at the point of transition for youth with significant disabilities: A model that works
NCSET - What is quality education? Perspectives from two students and a parent
NCSET - Addressing the transition needs of youth with disabilities through the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) System
NCSET - Community resource mapping: A strategy for promoting successful transition for youth with disabilities
NCSET - IDEA 1997: Implications for secondary education and transition services
NCSET - Youth with disabilities and the Workforce Investment Act of 1998
NCSET - Parenting postsecondary students with disabilities: Becoming the mentor, advocate, and guide your young adult needs
NCSET - Age of majority: Preparing you child for making good choices
NCSET - IDEA 1997 transition issues: The IEP for transition aged students
NCSET - Supplemental Secuity Income (Part 1 of 3): A bridge to work
NCSET - Supplmental Security Income (Part 2 of 3): So you have decided to apply
NCSET Essential Tools - Cultural and Linguistic Diversity: Implications for Transition Personnel
NCSET Parent Brief - What does Health Have to Do with Transition? Everything!
NCSET Parent Brief - Preparing for Employment: On the Home Front
NCSET Research to Practice Brief - What Algebra and Biology Students Have to Say About Universal Design for Learning
NCSET Information Brief - Youth Leadership Forums - Providing Leadership Development Opportunities for Youth with Disabilities
NCSET Information Brief - The Voices of Youth: Perspectives and Recommendations from Young Adults Involved in Juvenile Corrections
NCSET Information Brief - Choices in Transition: A Model for Career Development
NCSET Information Brief - Enhancing Academic Achievement and Transition Outcomes Using Technology
NCSET Information Brief - Professional Development for Transition Personnel: Current Issues and Strategies for Success
NCSET Information Brief - Communities of Practice: A Strategy for Program Improvement
NCSET NLTS2 Data Brief - Family Expectations and Involvement for Youth with Disabilities
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