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AUCD Experts

Mona Pruett

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Contact Information:
VCU T/TAC 10 East Franklin Street, Richmond, VA, 23284
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Linked Products

Weblog Article: Switch Accessible iPod
Weblog Article: Free Text Readers
Webshop: The Sensational World We Live In
Weblog Article: Let's Hear it for Walgreens
Weblog Article: Using iPods for Reading Fluency

Webshop: From Seeing to Knowing
Webshop: Sensory Strategies in the Everyday World
Weblog Article: AT Blogs
Weblog Article: Cool Tools from Crayola
Weblog Article: AT Podcasts from CommSense
Weblog Article: More Educational Uses for the iPod
Weblog Article: Finding the Right Toy
Weblog Article: Day Planning Intended to Help Studens Organize Their Day and Follow a Schedule
Weblog Article: Writing Issues and Including Assistive Technology Solutions in the IEP
Weblog Article: Website for Gamers with Significant Disabilities
Weblog Article: Free Computer-based Magnifier!
Weblog Article: NASA's Math Trax Transforms Graphs and Equations in Real-tiem into Words
Weblog Article: Free Parent Guide to Assistive Technology)
Weblog Article: Free Online Software
Weblog Article: More Free Switch Accessible Websites
Weblog Article: Hear Sara Sing
Weblog Article: Wondering What Interactive Whiteboards Look Like in Action?
Weblog Article: Need a Little AAC Lift?
Weblog Article: Got $80 and Need to be Reminded a lot?
Weblog Article: Does Graph Paper Help Your Students to Organize?
Weblog Article: Free Assistive Technology Journal
Weblog Article: Any Video Software Converter
Weblog Article: Playing You Tube Videos on the iPod
Weblog Article: Make Use of Excel Spreadsheets
Weblog Article: Customize your Post-It Notes
Weblog Article: Exploring Math Concepts through Literacy
Weblog Article: Assistive Technology
Weblog Article: Using a Laptop with Small Children
Weblog Article: Free Switch Games
Weblog Article: Looking for the Right AT
Webshop: Sensory Strategies in the Everyday World
Webshop: The Sensational World We Live In
Webshop: From Seeing to Knowing
Weblog Article: More Educational Uses for Your iPod
Weblog Article: Make Use of Evaluation Spreadsheets
Weblog Article: Playing You Tube Videos on Your iPod
Weblog Article: Video Converter Software
Weblog Article: Using Laptops with Small Children
Weblog Article: UDL for Math Learning
Weblog Article: Start Jotting Today
Weblog Article: Mobile Flash Cards
Weblog Article: Exploring Math Concepts Through Literature
Weblog Article: Customize Your Post It Notes
Weblog Article: Great Websites for AT Teams
Weblog Article: Free Technology Tool Kit
Weblog Article: Mini Laptops Hit the Market
Weblog Article: Math Type
Weblog Article: Visit this Wiki on AT Research
Weblog Article: What's New in AT
Weblog Article: Short Training Videos from Ablenet