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AUCD Experts


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Contact Information:
Box 357920 University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 98195
Discipline Coordinators:
AUCD Council Membership:
Linked Projects

Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training (NCAST)-AVENUW Programs
Linked Products

Promoting First Relationships
Difficult Life Circumstances Scale
Community Life Skills Scale

Promoting First Relationships Curriculum
NCAST Teaching Scale
NCAST Feeding Scale
My Family and Friends: Teenage Version
NCAST Feeding Manual
Keys to Cargiving Study Guide
Keys to Caregiving Parent Booklets
Cargiving Video Series
Maternal Mental Health During Pregnancy Book
Network Survey
PCI Feeding and Teaching Videos
Beginning Rhythms Book
Sleep Activity Record (SAR)
How to Promote Good Sleep Habits
NCAST Teaching Manual
ADHD Manual
BabyCues: A Child's First Language
Well Child Check-up Video
Community Life Skills Scale
Difficult Life Circumstances Scale
My Family and Friends:Teenage Version
NCAST Feeding Scale
NCAST Feeding Manual
Keys to Cargiving Study Guide
Keys to Caregiving Parent Booklets
Keys to Caregiving Video Series
Promoting Maternal Mental Health During Pregnancy
Network Survey
Pregnancy Assessment Form
PCI Feeding and Teaching Videos
Promoting First Relationships Curriculum
Pregnancy Intervention/Activity Flow Sheet
Beginning Rhythms
Sleep Activity Record (SAR)
How to Promote Good Sleep Habits
Topics to Assess During Pregnancy
NCAST Teaching Scale
BabyCues: A Child's First Language Cards
Specific Affect Coding System
The Oral History Interview & Coding System
Difficult Life Circumstances Manual
Community Life Skills Manual
Standard Deviation Calculator
NCAST Feeding Scale Worksheet
NCAST Teaching Scale Worksheet
NCAST Teaching Toy Kit
Pregnancy Assessment Form
Pregnancy Intervention Tracking Form
BabyCues: A Child's First Language Cards
Community Life Skills Manual
Difficult Life Circumstances Manual
NCAST Feeding Scale Worksheet
NCAST Teaching Scale Worksheet
NCAST Teaching Toy Kit
Pregnancy Assessment Form
Pregnancy Intervention Tracking Form
Standard Deviation Calculator
Specific Affect Coding System
The Oral History Interview & Coding System
NCAST Website
Promoting Maternal Mental Health during Pregnancy
Parent-Child Interaction Feeding and Teaching Scales
Promoting First Relationships in Pediatric Primary Care
Parent-Child Interaction Feeding and Teaching Scales
Promoting First Relationships in Pediatric Primary Care
Promoting Maternal Mental Health during Pregnancy