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AUCD Experts

Gloria Krahn, Ph.D.

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Contact Information:
Principal Investigator
Discipline Coordinators:
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership
Linked Projects

RRTC_2 - Rehabilitation Research & Training Center - Health & Wellness for Persons with Long-Term Disabilities - 2nd Cycle
Fostering Futures: Understanding the educational and transition experiences of foster care youth in special education
ViolenceTA Ctr - Oregon Violence Against Women with Disabilities Technical Assistance Center
RRTC - Rehabilitation Research & Training Center - Health & Wellness for Persons with Long-Term Disabilities
Men's Personal Assistance Services Abuse
Linked Products

Wellness in the context of disability.
RRTC ENews Update, September 2004
Summary of Studies and Key Findings
Determinants of Health: The BRFSS Behaviors and Outcomes Study.
Cochlear Implants in Usher's Syndrome