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AUCD Experts

Wayne Fisher, Ph.D.

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
Specialty Resource Contacts:
Director - Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autism/Severe Behavior Disorders
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership
Linked Projects

Functional Analysis and Treatment of Symptoms of Autism
Behavioral Genetics Program
Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Functional Analysis and Treatment of Symptoms of Autism
Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Linked Products

Therapist- and Self-Monitored DRO Contingencies as a Treatment for the Self-Injurious Skin Picking of a Young Man with Asperger Syndrome
Comparing Preference Assessments: Selection- Versus Duration-Based Preference Assessment Procedures
Progressing From Initially Ambiguous Functional Analyses: Three Caes Examples
The Effects of Variable-Time Delivery of Food Items and Praise on Problem Behavior Reinforced by Escape
Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied Behavior Analysis - History, Philosophy, Principles, and Basic Methods
Developing Function-Based Reinforcement Procedures for Problem Behavior
Functional Analysis, History and Methods
Single-Case Experimental Designs
Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Correct Responding and Procedural Integrity during Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention
Teaching Children with Autism to Engage in Peer-Directed Mands Using a Picture Exchange Communication System
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: A Population Based Study of Premature Mortality Rates in the Mothers
The effects of video modeling with voiceover instruction on accurate implementation of discrete trial instruction.
Effects of differential reinforcement and rules with feedback on preference for choice and verbal reports.
An evaluation of treatment integrity errors during discrete trial instruction.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: A population based study of premature mortality rates in the mothers.
Applied behavior analysis
Functional analysis screening for problem behavior maintained by automatic reinforcement.
Specific control conditions in functional analysis methodology
Evaluation of the divided attention condition during functional analyses.
Functional assessment and treatment of perseverative speech about restricted topics in an adolescent with Asperger syndrome.
A Component Analysis of Reinforcer-Schedule Thinning During Functional Communication Training.
Using modified visual-inspection criteria to interpret functional-analysis outcomes.
The effects of variable-time versus contingent reinforcement delivery on problem behavior maintained by escape
Teaching children with autism to engage in peer-directed mands using a picture exchange communication system.
Training and generalization of peer-directed mands with non-vocal children with autism
A comparison of intraverbal training procedures for children with autism
Functional analysis and treatment of arranging and ordering by individuals with an autism spectrum disorder.
Protective equipment
Preliminary findings of a randomized clinical trial of a virtual training program for applied behavior analysis technicians.
Functional assessment and treatment of
Protective equipment
Emergence of reading and writing MTS tasks in illerate adults
Effects of an online stimulus equivalence teaching procedure on resarch design open-ended questions performance of international undergraduate students
A aquisio do comportamento de contar histrias e seu uso no ensino de habilidades sociais e de leitura [acquisition of retelling behaviors and its use in teaching social skills and reading].
Good performance in retelling tasks.
Invited teleconference for emerging and established scientists
Behavior-analytic principles for improving early literacy
Qualitative study to develop online videos that instruct early care and education providers to teach children about nutrition during meals.
Language-teaching evidence-based practices and types of learning: An analysis of ABLLS verbal repertoires
ABLLS verbal repertoires and their classification according to types of learning.
A comparison of using a conditional- versus simple-discrimination task in assessing intraverbal control.
"Increasing Self-Drinking for Children with Feeding disorders"
"Evaluation and Treatment of Position Bias in an Adolescent Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder"
"Affects of Reinforcement in the Treatment of Feeding Disorders - A Parent-Directed Study"
Applications of Procedures for Promoting Emergent Relations"
he Independent and Combined Effects of Faded Bedtime with Response Cost and Melatonin on Sleep Disturbance for Two Children with Autism"
"Evaluation of Response During the Treatment of Automatically Maintained Self-Injurious Behavior"
Evaluation of the Accuracy, Reliability, Efficiency and Social Acceptability of Fast Forwaring to Score Problem Behavior over Extended Observations
"A Further Evaluation of Caregiver Training Models to Train Implementation of Behavioral Assessment and Treatment"
"Functional Communication Training During Reinforcement Schedule Thinning: An Analysis of 25 Applications"
"Evaluating the Use of Competing Items to Facilitate Schedule Thinning During Functional Communication Training"
"Differential Exposure to the Establishing Operation for Self-Injury During the Initial Stages of Functional Communication Training"
An evaluation of time in establishing operation on the effectiveness of functional communication training
Decreasing excessive functional communication responses while treating destructive behavior using response restriction
Increasing the saliency of behaviorconsequence relations for children with autism who exhibit persistent errors
"Assessment and Treatment of PICA and Destruction of Holiday Decorations"
Health Insurance for Autism Spectrum Disorders in Nebraska
Preliminary findings of a randomized clinical trial of a virtual training program for applied behavior analysis technicians.
The effects of variable-time versus contingent reinforcement delivery on problem behavior maintained by escape.
An Individualized and Empirical Approach to the Assessment and Treatment of Elopement.
An Evaluation of the Generalization and Maintenance of Functional Communication and Self-Control skills withPreschoolers
Rearranging naturally occurring contingencies to increase desirable behavior in a toddler classroom
The Effects of Teaching Manding for Help as a Conditional Discrimination
"Evaluating the Use of Two Seating Arrangements on Sill Acquisition"
"Improving Functional Communication Training Effectiveness by Mitigating the Resurgence of Destructive Behavior"
A Comparison of the Effects of Errorless vs Error Correction Procedures on Skill Acquisition"
"UNMC, Munroe-Meyer Institute: Doctoral Training Program in Applied Behavior Analysis"
"Increasing Self-Drinking in a Child with a Feeding Disorder"
"Heartland of Association for Behavior Analysis - Expo"
"An Assessment to Select Response-Restriction or Multiple-Schedule Treatments during Functional Communication Training"
"An Evaluation of Video Modeling to Teach Greeting Others by Name in an Echolalic Child"
"Effects of Alternative Reinforcement and Discriminability on Noncontingent Reinforcement
"Using Response Restriction During FCT to Promote Rapid Transfer of Treatment Effects"
Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL.
Examining resurgence of problem behavior following differential reinforcement with and without extinction. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL.
Chained-schedule thinning procedures with and without escape to alternative tangible reinforcement. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL.
The effects of limited versus extended establishing-operation exposure during functional communication training. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL.
Using multiple schedules during functional communication training to promote rapid transfer of treatment effects. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL.
Clarifying inconclusive functional analysis results: Assessment and treatment of automatically reinforced aggression
Using multiple schedules during functional communication training to promote rapid transfer of treatment effects.
Assessment and treatment of pica and property destruction of holiday decorations.
A component analysis of toilet-training procedures commonly used with young children.
Functional Communication Training.
SPARK Clinical Research Center Application