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Increasing the saliency of behaviorconsequence relations for children with autism who exhibit persistent errors

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Some children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) display persistent errors that are not responsive to commonly used prompting or error-correction strategies; one possible reason for this is that the behaviorconsequence relations are not readily discriminable (Davison & Nevin, 1999). In this study, we increased the discriminability of the behaviorconsequence relations in conditional-discrimination acquisition tasks for 3 children with ASD using schedule manipulations in concert with a unique visual display designed to increase the saliency of the differences between consequences in effect for correct responding and for errors. A multiple baseline design across participants was used to show that correct responding increased for all participants, and, after 1 or more exposures to the intervention, correct responding persisted to varying degrees across participants when the differential reinforcement baseline was reintroduced to assess maintenance.
acquisition, Autism, conditional discrimination, response cost, discrete-trial training
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Peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals Published/In Press
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