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AUCD Experts

Ashley Reno, BA, BS

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Contact Information:
1581 Dodd Drive 388 McCampbell Hall, Columbus, OH, 43210
Discipline Coordinators:
AUCD Council Membership:
Linked Projects

Safety and efficacy of Acetyl-l-carnitine oral supplementation in pediatric patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
PMED - Project MED (Medication Education for Consumers)
PHARM - Risperidone Pharmacokinetics in Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorder or Autism
PHARM - Preliminary Project - Arnold
PHARM - Long term safety study of tomoxetine HCI in Patients 6 years and older.
Linked Products

PMED - Booklet #6: Antianxiety Medicines, Medicines for People with too Much Worry
PMED - Booklet #2: Anticonvulsant Medicines: Medicines for People with Epilepsy
PMED - Booklet #4: Antidepressant Medicines, An Easy-to-Read Guide for People who take These Medicines
PMED - Booklet #5: Antimanic Medicnes, Medicines for People with Mood Problems
PMED - Booklet #3: Antipsychotic Medicines (Neuroleptics), An Easy-to-Read Guide for People Who Take These Medicines