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Washington University in St. Louis Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center

Washington University in St. Louis Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center
660 South Euclid Avenue
Campus Box 8116 - Northwest Tower
Saint Louis, MO, 63110

The mission of the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center at Washington University in St. Louis is to promote cutting-edge innovation in research related to developmental disabilities. It incorporates a mechanism for effective, regular and vigorous communication and coordination with scientists in other organizations, clinical providers for children with developmental disabilities and the local community. We seek to focus a wealth of talent on intellectual and developmental disabilities and stimulate advances by creating a collaborative, interdisciplinary environment that will augment research and clinical care to improve the lives of children with developmental disabilities.

The IDDRC at Washington University in St. Louis is the newest center to be designated as a National Institute for Child Health and Human Development research center on intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our strategic plan for the growth of the center includes four key areas of development:

  • Increasing our research excellence with a greater number of successful federal and national grants, total research funds, number of publications and number of new investigators attracted to the center;
  • Developing an integrated clinical center of excellence for our region in developmental disabilities;
  • Enhancing education in developmental disabilities with the local scientific and global community through a seminar program and other educational opportunities;
  • Engaging with and consolidating relationships with community service providers, including our region's centers of excellence in developmental disability, to define the landscape of services for children with developmental disabilities to assist in planning and advocacy



Core values are the internal compass of fundamental principles that drive the work of IDDRCs.