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Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience

University of Rochester
601 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester , NY, 14642

The Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Research Center creates a hub and infrastructure to promote research in this field. The Center builds upon a strong foundation of research that is already expanding our understanding of the complexities of the brain's network of nerve cells, how the brain processes external stimuli, and the origins of behavioral disorders. The Center leverages and expands these efforts with the goal of accelerating the translation of scientific discoveries into the next generation of therapies and interventions that improve the lives of people with IDD.

The Center is also central to a larger University-wide effort to establish Rochester as a National Center of Excellence in IDD care, integrating research with health care delivery, education, policy and advocacy.

Center Directors: John Foxe, Ph.D. and Jonathan W. Mink, M.D., Ph.D.



Core values are the internal compass of fundamental principles that drive the work of IDDRCs.

URL: https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/del-monte-neuroscience/intellectual-developmental-disabilities/idd-research-center/cores.aspx


The Administrative Core (ADM) of this new University of Rochester (UR) IDDRC application serves as the main coordination hub of a fully integrated system of four scientific cores that support the crucial work of 105 UR-IDDRC investigators currently prosecuting 202 basic, translational and clinical research projects in the domain of IDD research. These cores are: Human Phenotyping & Recruitment (HPR); Translational Neuroimaging & Neurophysiology (TNN); Cell & Molecular Imaging (CMI); and Animal Behavior and Neurophysiology (ABN). The ADM Core brings together two international leaders in the field of IDD research, Professors John Foxe and Jonathan Mink, both with a wealth of complementary leadership experience, to coordinate and prosecute this effort. In consultation with the UR-IDDRC community, they have formulated a clear and progressive mission of excellence in IDD research, one that places the people we serve, those with an IDD, at the heart of our Center, and one that promotes equity, inclusion, diversity, and cultural/linguistic competence.