Our mission is to create an exceptional environment to conduct research across the lifespan—from conception to adulthood—which fully integrates basic and clinical science, and focuses on the diagnosis, prevention, treatment and amelioration of intellectual and developmental disabilities by addressing both intrinsic (genetic) and extrinsic (environmental/experiential) risk factors.
The Hawk-IDDRC includes four components:
1) The Hawk-IDDRC Research Project will examine the interaction of genetic or environmental risks in young children with developmental disabilities, including autism, and integrate services from all four Research Cores.
2) Four Research Cores facilitate many different types of research at the IDDRC, including:
These four cores provide cutting-edge resources and expertise to researchers in the Center, with the ultimate goal of developing effective interventions to assist individuals and families with IDD.
3) A Dissemination and Communication Plan ensures Hawk-IDDRC research is effectively communicated to the scientific community, educators, policy makers, government officials, and the public, in an engaging and timely manner; and
4) An Educational Program, involving scientists, trainees, the public, and IDD-affected families, and features monthly seminars, mentoring of young and talented investigators focused on IDD research, and an educational program aimed at the public and IDD community.
Core values are the internal compass of fundamental principles that drive the work of IDDRCs.
URL: https://iddrc.uiowa.edu/research-cores/administrative-core
The Administrative Core (AC) provides leadership to ensure thorough and cost-effective research of intellectual and developmental disabilities, while inspiring collaboration and innovation.
URL: https://iddrc.uiowa.edu/overview-hawk-iddrc/research-cores/clinical-translational-core
The Clinical Translational Core (CTC) applies basic science discoveries into clinical settings by streamlining patient recruitment, analyzing data and implementing clinical trials for the development of treatments that can be employed across the lifespan.
URL: https://iddrc.uiowa.edu/research-cores/developmental-genomics-epigenetics-core
The Developmental Genomics/Epigenetics Core (DGC) uses medical sequencing to uncover variations in the genes and how outside factors affect them, and the association of these with IDD.
URL: https://iddrc.uiowa.edu/research-cores/neurocircuitry-and-behavior-core
A Neurocircuitry and Behavior Core (NBC) assesses both animal and human development, function and behavior.