Wyoming Institute for Disabilities Speech-Language Pathologist Wins Distinguished Educator Award


Wyoming Institute for Disabilities Speech-Language Pathologist Wins Distinguished Educator Award

Wyoming Institute for Disabilities speech-language pathologist has won the Bright Star Award for Distinguished Educators, presented by the Wyoming Governor's Council on Developmental Disability.

NH-ME LEND 30th Anniversary Video


NH-ME LEND 30th Anniversary Video

The NH-ME LEND Program celebrated its 30th anniversary by creating a 7-minute captioned video that features LEND trainees, alumni, and staff reflecting on what LEND means to them and the impact it has had on their lives. The video was produced by the University of New Hampshire Institute on Disability/UCED.

Maine LEND Final Presentations Demonstrate Leadership


Maine LEND Final Presentations Demonstrate Leadership

The Maine LEND graduated 12 Trainees from the program in May 2022. As part of demonstrations of Maternal and Child Health Competencies and LEND tenets, the Trainees each participated in an elective project that was presented at the end of April.

Louisiana LEND Scholars Recognized with Allied Health Honors


Louisiana LEND Scholars Recognized with Allied Health Honors

Louisiana's UCEDD, LSUHSC Human Development Center, is proud to see Louisiana LEND scholars receive honors from the LSU Health Sciences Center School of Allied Health Professions as they completed their respective programs on May 19th.

Iowa LEND Trainees Explore the Intersection of Mental Health, Disability, and Incarceration


Iowa LEND Trainees Explore the Intersection of Mental Health, Disability, and Incarceration

This year, 27 trainees completed the Iowa Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (Iowa LEND) program. Their graduation ceremony was held on May 5, two days after they had presented at the third annual virtual Iowa LEND Research Poster Symposium. As in previous years, the Symposium provided an impressive display of the talent, hard work and dedication of these emerging leaders.

MN LEND 2021-22: "We Grew and Learned from One Another"


MN LEND 2021-22: "We Grew and Learned from One Another"

From developing more inclusive 4-H programs to identifying best practices in teaching medical and dental students about intellectual and developmental disabilities, the 2021-22 MN LEND fellows made significant contributions. On May 19, the program celebrated their accomplishments.

NH Leadership Series Graduate Receives SAR-TAC Fellowship


NH Leadership Series Graduate Receives SAR-TAC Fellowship

Nathaniel Livernois '22, has received a prestigious fellowship from the Self Advocates Becoming Empowered and ACL's Administration on Disabilities. The fellowship provides full funding for six self-advocates to carry out independently designed self-advocacy leadership and policy-related projects with host organizations.

WI LEND Celebrates 10 Years of Welcoming Disability Advocates


WI LEND Celebrates 10 Years of Welcoming Disability Advocates

Wisconsin's Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (WI LEND) program is proud to celebrate the tenth anniversary of graduating disability advocates as LEND trainees! WI LEND offers interdisciplinary and leadership training to over 30 trainees a year across more than a dozen disciplines, including disability advocates (persons with a developmental disability) and family (family members of a person with a developmental disability).

2022-2023 Council Trainee Representative Application Now Open


2022-2023 Council Trainee Representative Application Now Open

We are pleased to announce recruitment for the 2022-2023 AUCD Council Trainee Representatives! This is an exciting year-long leadership opportunity for current trainees to learn about AUCD, connect with established professionals, and engage in activities on a national level.

MN LEND Fellow Teaches People with IDD to Write Their Stories


MN LEND Fellow Teaches People with IDD to Write Their Stories

Cow Tipping Press founder Bryan Boyce (MNLEND, 2020-21) recently wrapped another series of the organization's writing courses for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), bringing the cumulative number of students served to nearly 600. Through networking conversations with fellow MNLEND alumni, Boyce has begun offering courses beyond Minnesota's borders, a result of the surge in interest for online learning due to the pandemic. Most of the coursework can be completed online, but the Cow Tipping team goes on location at the end to present published books featuring students' work and celebrate the experience.

Be sure to stay up to date with AUCD Emerging Leaders! We encourage all Emerging leaders to submit stories about their experiences within the AUCD Network.