July 24, 2024
AUCD is beginning the process to develop its policy priorities for the 119th Congress. The Co-Chairs of the Policy Committee and AUCD staff are looking to get broad input from the Network into AUCD’s possible priorities. The deadline to provide your input is August 9, 2025 at 5:00 PM ET. The survey is only open to Network members.
The Co-Chairs and staff will review the input and make recommendations to the full Policy Committee. The Policy Committee will discuss the input and recommendations at the August meeting. The Co-Chairs and Policy Committee will consider the recommendations as well as the political environment and possibility for action in deciding its recommendations on priorities to the Board of Directors. Generally, we are looking to identify a few priorities for AUCD to lead work on in the new Congress and a few additional priorities to work on in partnership with other organizations.
The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.