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Think College Releases Annual Report on Transition & Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities

August 13, 2024

Each year, the Think College National Coordinating Center publishes an Annual Report with important data about postsecondary education for students with intellectual disability. Think College has data from 41 Transition & Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSID) programs around the country.

TPSID grantees create and expand higher education programs for students with intellectual disability across the US. This report covers the third cohort of TPSID Model Demonstration Projects from 2022–2023. You’ll find data on:

  • TPSID program characteristics, academic access, and supports for students
  • TPSID program integration within the college or university system
  • strategic partnerships and financial sustainability of TPSID programs
  • student demographics, course enrollments, employment activities, and engagement in student life

You can read the Executive Summary for a brief overview of the TPSID Annual Report and check out the Cohort 3 Highlights for graphic representations of the data.

Access the full Annual Report of the Cohort 3 TPSID Model Demonstration Projects (Year 3, 2022–23) on Think College’s website.

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Topic(s): Education: K-12 and Postsecondary , Health and Wellness , Transition

Focus Area(s): Education