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NIRS Online Learning Modules

About the Modules

The Online Learning Modules introduce new Data Coordinators to the National Information Reporting System (NIRS). The goal is for new Data Coordinators to be able to learn to use NIRS and understand federal reporting requirements. The Modules can be used by all Programs that enter data in NIRS: UCEDD, LEND, LEAH, PPC and DBP Programs. Registration for each module is required, and a post-test is provided at the end of each module. Upon completion of all modules, a Certificate of Completion will be provided to indicate that all training modules have been successfully completed.

There are several advantages to the Online Learning Modules:

  • The main and most important advantage is their year-round availability. New Data Coordinators join Centers on an ongoing basis and need to be oriented to NIRS upon arrival. The Modules are now available as soon as a new Data Coordinator joins a Center.
  • Another important aspect is the improved learning outcome. The Modules allow new Data Coordinators to go through the orientation materials at a pace they prefer, for a comprehensive understanding of NIRS and reporting requirements.
  • Last, but not least, the Modules are available for refreshers and staff trainings any time. The latter allow Data Coordinators to provide targeted training to other Center staff who might enter data in NIRS, but do not need to be oriented to the full system.

Module Structure

AdobeConnectLogoThe Modules are structured according to the NIRS datasets and functionalities. They consist of videos and resources that explain how to use NIRS to meet reporting requirements. Below is a brief description of each Module.

  • Welcome to NIRS: This module includes several presentations that will give a quick overview of NIRS and the resources available, as well as materials that will assist with entering data in NIRS.
  • Fiscal Year: This module includes several resources that explain the fiscal year time frame, as well as important dates and deadlines.
  • Trainees Dataset: This module includes resources about the NIRS functions that allow NIRS users to enter and manage trainee records and former trainee surveys.
  • Overview of Core Functions: This module includes resources that provide an overview of the core function categories in NIRS. The core functions are especially relevant to the Projects and Activities datasets.
  • Projects Dataset: This module includes resources about the NIRS functions that allow NIRS users to enter and manage project records.
  • Activities Dataset: This module includes resources about the NIRS functions that allow NIRS users to enter and manage activity records.
  • Products Dataset: This module includes resources about the NIRS functions that allow NIRS users to enter and manage product records, as well as report product dissemination.
  • Directory Dataset: This module includes resources about the NIRS functions that allow Data Coordinators (NIRS users with Admin access level and access to the Directory dataset) to manage faculty and staff profiles, both in NIRS and in the online directory, as well as Center information, such as address, phone numbers, logo and brochure.
  • Data Search: This modules includes resources on a variety of NIRS functions, such as how to edit, list, search for records (both in NIRS and online), as well as how to run standard and custom reports. These functions allow users to search, review, and manage data in NIRS.
  • Admin: This module includes resources about the NIRS functions that allow Data Coordinators (NIRS users with Admin access level) to manage NIRS accounts, choices for several drop-down menus in NIRS and custom fields.
  • Reporting to AIDD: This module includes several presentations and resources that will guide UCEDD Programs through meeting the AIDD data entry and reporting requirements, especially as they relate to NIRS.
  • Reporting to MCHB: This module includes several presentations and resources that will guide MCHB Programs (LENDs, LEAHs, PPCs and DBPs) through meeting the MCHB data entry and reporting requirements, especially as they relate to NIRS.

Using the Modules

Before opening the Modules, you will need to register first by contacting [email protected]. After you have registered, you can access the Modules. Access to the NIRS Learning Module will expire after 3 months of inactivity. Please contact the above email address if you are unable to view the Learning Modules. Note that you will need to register for each Module individually, and you cannot register once for all of them. Use the links below to register and/or access the Modules.


The Modules are listed above in the logical order that a new Data Coordinator should enroll in the Modules for a good understanding of all NIRS functionalities and reporting requirements. Data Coordinators may also choose to go through the Modules in a different order, especially if they start at a time of year when it is important to quickly become familiar with a certain topic. For instance, Data Coordinators who start close or during the reporting period (June-July) may choose to start with the Reporting Module(s), and then go through the rest of the Modules at a later time, as needed.

The table below lists all the Modules and what Programs they are useful for, as not all Modules are relevant to all Programs. For instance, Reporting to AIDD is not relevant to MCHB Programs (LENDs, LEAHs, PPCs and DBPs), while Reporting to MCHB is not relevant to UCEDD Programs.

Module / Programs that should use it

Welcome to NIRS
All Programs: UCEDDs, LENDs, LEAHs, PPCs and DBPs

Fiscal Year
All Programs: UCEDDs, LENDs, LEAHs, PPCs and DBPs

Trainees Dataset
All Programs: UCEDDs, LENDs, LEAHs, PPCs and DBPs

Overview of Core Functions
UCEDD Programs should use it as the core functions drive their reporting requirements and guidance.

MCHB Programs may find it useful for a few of the core functions, as not all apply to them. The core functions relevant to MCHB Programs for reporting purposes are: Continuing Education/Community Training Activity, Technical Assistance, and Direct Clinical Services. Centers may choose to use the rest of the core functions for internal tracking purposes or non-NIRS reporting purposes.

Projects Dataset
UCEDD Programs should use it.

MCHB Programs may find it useful if they use the Projects dataset. It is optional though, as they do not report on Projects.

Activities Dataset
UCEDD Programs should use it.

MCHB Programs use only a few of the core functions, so they may choose to skip the resources on the core functions they do not use. The core functions relevant to MCHB Programs for reporting purposes are: Continuing Education/Community Training Activity, Technical Assistance, and Direct Clinical Services. Centers may choose to use the rest of the core functions for internal tracking purposes or non-NIRS reporting purposes.

Products Dataset
All Programs: UCEDDs, LENDs, LEAHs, PPCs and DBPs

Directory Dataset
UCEDD and LEND Programs should use it entirely.

LEAH, PPC and DBP Programs should only use the resources on adding contacts to the directory, but may skip the resources on the dashboard and managing the online directory, as these functions do not apply to them.

Data Search
All Programs: UCEDDs, LENDs, LEAHs, PPCs and DBPs

All Programs: UCEDDs, LENDs, LEAHs, PPCs and DBPs

Reporting to AIDD
UCEDD Programs only

Reporting to MCHB
MCHB Programs only: LENDs, LEAHs, PPCs and DBPs

Questions and comments can be directed to [email protected]