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Anxiety and Panic Struggles

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Product Description:
Anxiety and panic are real and a person cannot simply relax or snap out of it on command. The fears encompass the person completely. They need compassion, patience, reassurance, and true care from family, friends, teachers, therapists, or staff people who are in their lives. Because someone has ASD does not make the anxiety or panic any less real to them. For them, due to the impact of their ASD (difficulty understanding abstract ideas or feelings), the anxiety and panic might become greater. Support people must begin to pay closer attention to the words anxiety, anxious, panic, etc. when they appear in reports or IEPs. They are not just words. They indicate real emotions that impact a person completely and can inhibit them from performing even simple tasks. In fact, the anxiety or panic may be more debilitating than their ASD. It is up to those who support individuals with ASD to be aware of anxiety and panic struggles and more important learn the best ways to provide support.
anxiety, panic, ASD, support
Product/Publication Type(s):
Reports and monographs
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals
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