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AAP Evidence-Based Interventions

Fiscal Year:
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Product Description:
A series of 28 DVD that include the following topics: Functional Behavior Assessment and Positive Behavior Support plans by Dr. Beth Bryant-Claxton (8 disks); Pivotal Response Treatment (4 disks) by Dr. Ty Vernon; Social Stories and Comic Strop Conversations (4 disks) by Carol Gray; History and Current State of Affairs in the Diagnosis of ASD (8 disks)by Dr. Joseph Gentry; Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Social-Cognitive Deficits in ASD, and Resources to Support Instruction (3 disks)by Dayna Miller-Black; Resources (1 disk). These DVD were produced by filming live training and following up with editing and digital enhancement.
autism, interventions
Product/Publication Type(s):
Electronic Products
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Students
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To Obtain Copies (URL or Email):
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