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Collaboration across UCEDDS on the CRPD Implementation

Fiscal Year:
Contact Information:
Product Description:
The overall aim of this multi-dimensional conversation is to harness the knowledge and experience of UCEDDs, community leaders and self-advocates to deliberate and determine the ways we can individually and collectively strengthen the research agenda as well as discuss effective mechanisms for research delivery to the people who need it. Do we fill the gaps in knowledge through collaborative and applied projects involving a multitude of stakeholders with distinct perspectives, skills and knowledge or do continue disseminating research through traditional venues, much of which is inaccessible to many people? How do we determine priorities of research, if any? These and many other issues will be discussed in this session. We aim to (1) provide a framework for discussion by summarizing previous dialogues; 2) collectively outline existing research and research gaps in disability and human rights; (3) discuss priorities for research; and (4) initiate an informal collaboration
Human Rights, CRPD
Product/Publication Type(s):
Conference presentations and posters presented
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Policymakers, Students
Alternative Format:
Visual Format or Large Print
To Obtain Copies (URL or Email):
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