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Oklahoma Blue Ribbon Panel on Developmental Disabilities Report to the Governor

Fiscal Year:
Contact Information:
Wanda Felty
[email protected]
405-271-4500 41004
Product Description:
This report contains the recommendations of the Oklahoma Blue Ribbon Panel on Developmental Disabilities, which were submitted to Governor Mary Fallin. The Blue Ribbon Panel consisted of people with disabilities, families, legislators and professionals with experience in the field of developmental disabilities. They were tasked with developing a comprehensive plan to support Oklahoma citizens with developmental disabilities and their families and to address the waiting list for services.
developmental disabilities, waiting list, recommendations, strategies
Product/Publication Type(s):
Reports and monographs
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Policymakers, Students
Alternative Format:
Visual Format or Large Print
To Obtain Copies (URL or Email):
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