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Navigating power: An ecology of tension

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Product Description:
In a complex world, as individuals and evaluators, we often find ourselves stuck in dichotomies: Engagement and inclusion; Hierarchy and networks; Theory and practice. Navigating these waters is an ongoing challenge heightened by tight timelines, pinched budgets, and power dynamics. In this session, we will explore the tensions that exist within relationships between institutions and communities. This experiential session will examine the expanse and power of communities and grassroots movements through the lens of an ocean-inspired game. We will travel together to the deep waters of community driven action and dive deep into a rich and vibrant ecosystem to explore our surroundings from a range of different perspectives. Through this game we will work to recognize the power and privilege we hold as evaluators and understand how we navigate the tension between intention and impact. The collaborative evaluation of community initiatives is a complex endeavor that often raises dichotomous paradigms such as engagement versus inclusion, hierarchies versus networks, theory versus practice, and intention versus impact. Further adding to the complexity of evaluation partnerships are the various levels of power, privilege and assumptions we hold as individuals and as representatives of institutions, both consciously and unconsciously. This session will create a space that provokes discussion to bring these tensions to the surface and elicits group reflection on how to recognize, articulate, and navigate these complexities. Facilitators will lead an experiential activity that invites participants to step out of their typical roles and view these inter-playing dynamics from multiple perspectives. By acknowledging our various levels of power, privilege and assumptions, evaluators and community stakeholders can form more authentic partnerships and bring the dichotomies we face closer together
Navigating Power, Evaluation, Collaboration with Communities, Tension
Product/Publication Type(s):
Conference presentations and posters presented
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